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Sampling Methods. Three Types of Sampling Methods 1.) Random Point Survey – A random point survey uses randomly-selected points in a study are to characterize.

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Presentation on theme: "Sampling Methods. Three Types of Sampling Methods 1.) Random Point Survey – A random point survey uses randomly-selected points in a study are to characterize."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sampling Methods

2 Three Types of Sampling Methods 1.) Random Point Survey – A random point survey uses randomly-selected points in a study are to characterize a site – Population selected in a manner that ensures that each member of the population has an equal chance of being selected – More points = more accurate data

3 Three Types of Sampling Methods 2.) Quadrat Survey – A quadrat is a plot of a fixed size in which density of objects can be measured – Plots usually circular or Squared – Main goal is that scientists want to know the number of objects per unit area (density)

4 Three Types of Sampling Methods 3.) Core Sample – A core sample is obtained by inserting a hollow tube-shaped device into the bottom sediments to retrieve a tube full of sediments with its accompanying organisms

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