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Perspective Perspective Marta IIId class, Poland.

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1 Perspective Perspective Marta IIId class, Poland

2 The problem of proportion in Three-dimensional world around and reflecting it in a plane existied from the very begining of free artist used perspective to deal with it. The perspective was still improving.

3 Perspective of order When 2000 years ago the first primitive man began painting the walls of cave-people he placed the people who were far over the people who were near. This was the beginning the perspective called the Perspective of Order. It was also used in the old-egyptian painting. When 2000 years ago the first primitive man began painting the walls of cave-people he placed the people who were far over the people who were near. This was the beginning the perspective called the Perspective of Order. It was also used in the old-egyptian painting.

4 Scene perspective The Scene Perspective also comes from treat times. Using this form shows that things which are placed near are covered with things which stay behind them. It makes an impression that the full form is placed near to the observer and that one which is shown partially is further. The Scene Perspective also comes from treat times. Using this form shows that things which are placed near are covered with things which stay behind them. It makes an impression that the full form is placed near to the observer and that one which is shown partially is further.

5 Linear Perspective Linear perspective is a mathematical system for projecting the three-dimensional world onto a two-dimensional surface, such as paper or canvas.

6 Linear perspective soon emerged as the tool for artists to capture the world around them in a remarkably illusionistic manner (this was the same time that cartographers were mapping the surface of the earth using a similar system of mathematical projection)

7 Linear Perspective During the Renaissance times a new perspective appeared called the Linear Perspective. The perspective is using an optical illusion, which we are exposed to all the time. It shows the illusion of depth by shortening lines in a drowing. It was first developed in the 15th century in Florence by Filippo Brunelleschi. During the Renaissance times a new perspective appeared called the Linear Perspective. The perspective is using an optical illusion, which we are exposed to all the time. It shows the illusion of depth by shortening lines in a drowing. It was first developed in the 15th century in Florence by Filippo Brunelleschi.

8 Trinity (1427–28), considered to be the first accurately perspectival painting in the Western tradition, introduced the relationship between linear perspective and subject matter in art. The painting is divided into three levels: the figure of God stands on a tomb above and behind Christ crucified on the cross; the Virgin Mary and St. John the Baptist stand at the base of the cross; and two donors, who commissioned the painting, kneel on either side of the cross at the lowest level. The figures are harmoniously organized underneath a barrel-vaulted ceiling. The figure of Christ and the barrel vault are rendered as if seen from below. The figures of Mary and John are rendered again as if from below, but just lower than Christ. The two donors, given the lowest vanishing point, are rendered as if seen, directly in front of the viewer’s eye. In this way, the painting provides the illusion that the viewer is looking at sculptural forms that exist in three dimensions and rise vertically in space.

9 Aerial perspective In order to intensify impression behind assistance of prospect depth get convergent it is taken advantage also perspective air, which takes into consideration changes, paint of object subjects that during their removing from looking. In order to intensify impression behind assistance of prospect depth get convergent it is taken advantage also perspective air, which takes into consideration changes, paint of object subjects that during their removing from looking.

10 Painting Perspective The perspective is using an optical phenomenon. There’s an illusion that some colours seem to be placed near (warm colours) or far from the watcher (cold colours) but in fact thay are remote in the same way. The perspective is using an optical phenomenon. There’s an illusion that some colours seem to be placed near (warm colours) or far from the watcher (cold colours) but in fact thay are remote in the same way.

11 Another Perspective the way of set-up the lens under middle of the object-it often give an impression that object is bigger that he is in reality the way of set-up the lens under middle of the object-it often give an impression that object is bigger that he is in reality

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