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Presentation on theme: "EXPRESSIONISM ROBERT DELAUNAY 1885-1941. Medium: Oil on canvas Year: 1906 PORTRAIT DE METZINGER."— Presentation transcript:


2 Medium: Oil on canvas Year: 1906 PORTRAIT DE METZINGER

3 Medium: oil on canvas Year: 1926 TOUR EIFFEL

4 Medium: oil on canvas Year: 1910-12 LA VILLE DE PARIS

5 Medium: oil on canvas Year: 1913 L'ÉQUIPE DE CARDIFF

6 Medium: oil on canvas Year: 1906 L'HOMME À LA TULIPE

7 EXPRESSIONISM DEFINING “EXPRESSIONISM” express emotional experience rather than impressions of the external world. The definition of “Expressionism” is a style of painting in which the artist or writer seeks to express emotional experience rather than impressions of the external world. distortion, exaggeration, primitivism, and fantasy and through the vivid, jarring, violent, or dynamic application of elements. The description of “Expressionism” is in which the artist accomplishes the aim through distortion, exaggeration, primitivism, and fantasy and through the vivid, jarring, violent, or dynamic application of elements.

8 The area of emphasis in this artwork would definitely be the Red Eiffel Tower itself. Robert Delaunay made the tower stand out the most with the bold color and it’s size. The other elements that are in this artwork would be the different types of colors being used as opposed to the red, the shapes he’s using in the artwork to make it look a bit boxy in different types of shapes ANALYZING Red Eiffel Tower (La tour rouge)

9 What I think Delaunay was trying to communicate is envisioning to break down boundaries and transforming Europe into a global community, and the Eiffel Tower, in its capacity as a radio tower, embodied international communications. He first painted the tower in celebration of his engagement to fellow artist Sonia Terk in 1909 and would make it the subject of at least thirty works over the next few years and again in the 1920s. Therefore, I believe that the mood in this painting and probably many of his other artworks are conveying the mood of love. INTERPRETING

10 We believe “ Red Eiffel Tower” is a successful piece of artwork because its very well painted and the colors that he uses which are blue, red and grey are simple and nice. With those three colors he uses different shades which is another great part of the artwork we found we liked. Something that is similar in all his artworks that is our favorite is that he uses blocklike forms and that makes his artwork stand out which is a reason why we chose this artist because it makes his artwork look unique. EVALUATING

11 OUR ARTWORK Ariana FloresAriana Romero

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