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5 th Grade 2013-2014. Battle of the Books is a reading incentive program for 5 th graders. Students read books and come together to demonstrate their.

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Presentation on theme: "5 th Grade 2013-2014. Battle of the Books is a reading incentive program for 5 th graders. Students read books and come together to demonstrate their."— Presentation transcript:

1 5 th Grade 2013-2014

2 Battle of the Books is a reading incentive program for 5 th graders. Students read books and come together to demonstrate their abilities and test their knowledge of the books they have read. You work in teams of 4 to compete against other school teams in the district.

3  Love to read  Love to compete  A day off from class  Free Pizza and drinks  Chance at getting a medal/ribbon

4  Read 10 books by Jan.  Pass the AR Quizzes  Read another 10 books by May…or try to read ALL 20!  Hopefully everyone on your team will read every book.  At least 2 people should have read each story.  It’s all about teamwork!

5 Fantasy

6 Realistic Fiction

7 Fantasy

8 Historical Fiction

9 Mystery

10 Realistic Fiction cape-under-the-forever-sky/

11 Mystery

12 Fantasy

13 Realistic Fiction

14 Historical Fiction

15 Fantasy

16 Realistic Fiction

17 Fantasy

18 Realistic Fiction

19 Fantasy

20 Realistic Fiction

21 Fantasy

22 Realistic Fiction

23 Historical Fiction

24 Realistic Fiction

25 Images: Online images. Barnes and Noble. 1, September 2011. Web. / / Created by Lori Laguna Rollling Meadows Librarian Updated by Dawn Moreno—2013 Candlewood Library Media Specialist

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