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Speaking -두 번째 강의 (Part 1 실전 테스트 1,2) RACHEL 선생님 KNEAT 3 급 입문.

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Presentation on theme: "Speaking -두 번째 강의 (Part 1 실전 테스트 1,2) RACHEL 선생님 KNEAT 3 급 입문."— Presentation transcript:

1 Speaking -두 번째 강의 (Part 1 실전 테스트 1,2) RACHEL 선생님 KNEAT 3 급 입문

2 Part 1. 연관질문답하기 – 실전 테스 트 1  실전 테스트 1. (p.122)  What was the most special event that took place at school? Ex) a school festival or trip 답안 1. ( 교재 ) The most special event that took place at school was an international food festival. Students from different countries brought traditional food for others to taste.  실전 테스트 1. (p.122)  What was the most special event that took place at school? Ex) a school festival or trip 답안 1. ( 교재 ) The most special event that took place at school was an international food festival. Students from different countries brought traditional food for others to taste.

3 Part 1. 연관질문답하기 – 실전 테스 트 1 답안 2) It was a school picnic. In spring, my school went on a picnic to an amusement park. 답안 3) It was a school festival. Every student enjoyed a festive mood when it was held. 답안 2) It was a school picnic. In spring, my school went on a picnic to an amusement park. 답안 3) It was a school festival. Every student enjoyed a festive mood when it was held.

4 Part 1. 연관질문답하기 – 실전 테스 트 1 2. What were some memorable things that happened during that event? 답안 1. ( 교재 ) During the event, I was able to try several foods for the first time. It was a new and exciting experience. 2. What were some memorable things that happened during that event? 답안 1. ( 교재 ) During the event, I was able to try several foods for the first time. It was a new and exciting experience.

5 Part 1. 연관질문답하기 – 실전 테스 트 1 답안 2) My friend and I enjoyed a roller coaster ride. During the ride, another friend took a photo of us. 답안 3) Some competitions were held during the festival. One of the most popular competitions was a cooking competition. 답안 2) My friend and I enjoyed a roller coaster ride. During the ride, another friend took a photo of us. 답안 3) Some competitions were held during the festival. One of the most popular competitions was a cooking competition.

6 Part 1. 연관질문답하기 – 실전 테스 트 1 3. Why did you enjoy these things? 답안 1. ( 교재 ) I enjoyed these things because I had an opportunity to explore other cultures. It helped me to see the diversity of the world. 3. Why did you enjoy these things? 답안 1. ( 교재 ) I enjoyed these things because I had an opportunity to explore other cultures. It helped me to see the diversity of the world.

7 Part 1. 연관질문답하기 – 실전 테스 트 1 답안 2) It was my first time enjoying a roller coaster. I had been scared before the ride, but once I experienced it, I became to like it. 답안 3) I was interested in cooking. I could taste the various kinds of food made by my friends. 답안 2) It was my first time enjoying a roller coaster. I had been scared before the ride, but once I experienced it, I became to like it. 답안 3) I was interested in cooking. I could taste the various kinds of food made by my friends.

8 Part 1. 연관질문답하기 – 실전 테스 트 1 4. How did you feel at that moment? 답안 1. ( 교재 ) I felt excited to try new foods. I was scared to try some foods but I am glad I took a chance. 4. How did you feel at that moment? 답안 1. ( 교재 ) I felt excited to try new foods. I was scared to try some foods but I am glad I took a chance.

9 Part 1. 연관질문답하기 – 실전 테스 트 1 답안 2) It made me excited and thrilled, so I screamed very loudly. 답안 3) I was delighted since the taste of food was great. 답안 2) It made me excited and thrilled, so I screamed very loudly. 답안 3) I was delighted since the taste of food was great.

10 Part 1. 연관질문답하기 – 실전 테스 트 2  실전 테스트 2 (p. 170)  What kind of books do you like to read? 답안 1. ( 교재 ) I like to read mystery novels. I enjoy trying to solve the mystery before it is revealed in the book.  실전 테스트 2 (p. 170)  What kind of books do you like to read? 답안 1. ( 교재 ) I like to read mystery novels. I enjoy trying to solve the mystery before it is revealed in the book.

11 Part 1. 연관질문답하기 – 실전 테스 트 2 답안 2) I like to read biographies of successful people. They encourage me to study hard. 답안 3) I love fiction. It leads me to experience love, fantasy, or adventure. 답안 2) I like to read biographies of successful people. They encourage me to study hard. 답안 3) I love fiction. It leads me to experience love, fantasy, or adventure.

12 Part 1. 연관질문답하기 – 실전 테스 트 2 2. What is the best book you’ve ever read? 답안 1. ( 교재 ) The best book I’ve read is “And Then There Were None” by Agatha Christie. It is full of mystery and suspense. 2. What is the best book you’ve ever read? 답안 1. ( 교재 ) The best book I’ve read is “And Then There Were None” by Agatha Christie. It is full of mystery and suspense.

13 Part 1. 연관질문답하기 – 실전 테스 트 2 답안 2) It is the biography of Steve Jobs. He is the best forerunner in modern society. 답안 3) I think ‘the Harry Potter series’ are the best. They were so interesting that I couldn’t put them down. 답안 2) It is the biography of Steve Jobs. He is the best forerunner in modern society. 답안 3) I think ‘the Harry Potter series’ are the best. They were so interesting that I couldn’t put them down.

14 Part 1. 연관질문답하기 – 실전 테스 트 2 3. How often do you go to the library? 답안 1. ( 교재 ) I usually go to the library once a week. I borrow several books to read each time I go. 3. How often do you go to the library? 답안 1. ( 교재 ) I usually go to the library once a week. I borrow several books to read each time I go.

15 Part 1. 연관질문답하기 – 실전 테스 트 2 답안 2) I visit there once or twice a week. It takes me a few hours to get there, so I can’t go more frequently. 답안 3) I go to the library almost everyday. It is located near my house. 답안 2) I visit there once or twice a week. It takes me a few hours to get there, so I can’t go more frequently. 답안 3) I go to the library almost everyday. It is located near my house.

16 Part 1. 연관질문답하기 – 실전 테스 트 2 4. What do you usually do in the library? 답안 1. ( 교재 ) In the library, I look for books to borrow. I also use the public computers to go on the internet. 4. What do you usually do in the library? 답안 1. ( 교재 ) In the library, I look for books to borrow. I also use the public computers to go on the internet.

17 Part 1. 연관질문답하기 – 실전 테스 트 2 답안 2) I usually read as many books as possible. Also, I borrow 2 or 3 books whenever I go. 답안 3) I usually study in the study room. The room is quiet, so I can concentrate on my work. 답안 2) I usually read as many books as possible. Also, I borrow 2 or 3 books whenever I go. 답안 3) I usually study in the study room. The room is quiet, so I can concentrate on my work.

18 Well done! Bye for now. 다음 강의에서 만나요 !

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