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The 1920’s. I. American Business and Consumerism 1. Economy  Creditor nation 2. Production increase 3. Labor suffered 4. Standard ↑ 5. Farmers suffered.

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Presentation on theme: "The 1920’s. I. American Business and Consumerism 1. Economy  Creditor nation 2. Production increase 3. Labor suffered 4. Standard ↑ 5. Farmers suffered."— Presentation transcript:

1 The 1920’s


3 I. American Business and Consumerism 1. Economy  Creditor nation 2. Production increase 3. Labor suffered 4. Standard ↑ 5. Farmers suffered


5 II. Ford and Changing Consumerism 1. American producing 70% more 2. MASS CONSUMPTION SOCIETY 3. Ford made car obtainable 4. 1929--@30 million cars


7 Ford and Changing Consumerism (cont’d) 6. Steel, rubber, petroleum 7. Trains give way to trucks 8. Suburbs grow 9. No cash up front  buy on credit!!






13 III. Birth of Modern Culture 1. Jazz Age; Roaring Twenties 2. Radio: comedy, drama, sports 3. Movies 4. Jazz Singer  first “talkie” 5. “True American Hero” changed


15 Birth of Modern Culture (cont’d) 6. Entertainers replace presidents and world leaders

16 Birth of Modern Culture (cont’d) 7. Lost Generation 8. Not pleased with materialism/consumerism 9. Authors & Artists 1.Fitzgerald 2.Stein 3.Hemingway 4.O’Keefe 5.Benton


18 Birth of Modern Culture (cont’d) 10. Harlem Renaissance 11. Critical of white society 12. Joy/pain of being black 13. Langston Hughes; Armstrong; Ellington 14. Little impact elsewhere at the time

19 Birth of Modern Culture (cont’d)

20 IV. Conservative Reaction 1. Fundamentalists, prohibitionists, nativists 2. Scopes teaches evolution  against state law (TN) 3. ACLU appoints Clarence Darrow 4. State of TN  William Jennings Bryan 5. Monkey Trial 6. Scopes found guilty  later overturned

21 Conservative Reaction (cont’d)

22 7. Volstead Act,1919—enforce the 18 th amend. 8. Organized Crime 9. Al Capone  Chicago 10. Many began to protest 11. 21 st Amend.  repeals prohibition Dec. 5, 1933


24 Conservative Reaction (cont’d) 12. Quota Act, Immigration Act, 1921 13. 3% limit; based on 1910 census 14. National Origins Act, 1924 15. 2% based on 1890 census 16. KKK emerges; same terror tactics

25 Conservative Reaction (cont’d) 17. Sacco & Vanzetti 18. Executed in 1927



28 V. Continued Struggle for Equality 1. Af.Am.; Women; immigrants 2. Marcus Garvey  United Negro Improvement Association 3. Segregate  then “Back to Africa” 4. WEB Bu Bois, NAACP fight for justice/equality 5. New inventions help middle class women; not poor

29 Continued Struggle for Equality (cont’d) 6. flappers 7. Increase in divorce 8. Women could vote; Legislators listened 9. Compulsory school  women educated  college education

30 Continued Struggle for Equality (cont’d) 10. Margaret Sanger 11. Advocated Birth Control 12. Openly discuss: menstruation, birth control, poverty, abuse, premature death of young women.

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