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Introduction to manual muscle testing

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1 Introduction to manual muscle testing
RHS 221 Dr. Afaf Ahmed Shaheen 4/23/2017 RHS 221

2 A. VISUAL OBSERVATION Major part of physical assessment - constant gathering of information contributes to determining the patient’s problem thus formulating appropriate assessment plan

3 What to look for: body posture muscle contour body proportions
symmetrical or compensatory motion in functional activities colour of skin condition of skin creases of skin (increased edema loss of crease) * In order to do a proper assessment the body part being assessed must be exposed! (Clarkson, 2000)

4 Observation &PALPATION
Examination by tactile sense – feel Palpation assesses: Bony and soft tissue contours Soft tissue consistency Skin temperature Texture *Visual & palpatory assessment is important to locate bony landmarks for alignment of goniometers. 4/23/2017 RHS 221

5 PALPATION CONT’D Palpation determines:
1. Presence or absence of muscle contraction therefore assessing strength 2. Locate structures in order to stabilize them to isolate joint movement. 3. To identify irregularities of bone and soft tissue. *All bodies are not alike thus the more you palpate the more proficient you become. 4/23/2017 RHS 221

6 PALPATION CONT’D Palpation technique: patient must be comfortable
keep patient warm body part well supported thus muscles are relaxed visual observation palpate with pads of index & middle finger - occasionally thumb finger nails must be short no sharp rings warm hands fingers are in direct contact with skin “not through clothing” use sensitive but firm touch palpate muscle & tendon by having patient isometrically contracts muscle against resistance followed by relaxation - palpate muscle & tendon during contraction & relaxation palpate tendons - fingers (index & middle) placed across long axis of tendon - roll across tendon (Clarkson, 2000) 4/23/2017 RHS 221

support the patients limb at its centre of gravity - near upper & middle 1/3 of segment all joints must be supported when lifting or moving the limb - don’t let a limb hang (Clarkson, 2000) 4/23/2017 RHS 221

the amount of movement that occurs at a joint ACTIVE RANGE OF MOTION the amount of movement the patient voluntarily moves the body part through without any external assistance. PASSIVE RANGE OF MOTION the amount of movement that an external force (therapist) moves the body part through without any assistance from the patient 4/23/2017 RHS 221

In order to assess for ROM the therapist must have an understanding of the anatomy of the area involved. The boney configuration of the joint, the soft tissue in the area, the movements that take place at the joint and the limiting factors of the joint. (Clarkson, 2000) 4/23/2017 RHS 221

Active and Passive ROM Are Contraindicated: In a region where there is a recent dislocation or unhealed fracture. Immediately following surgery to tendons, ligaments, muscles, joint capsules or skin. When myositis ossificans is present. 4/23/2017 RHS 221

11 Extra Care with AROM & PROM
Infectious or inflammatory process in a joint Patient is on medication for pain or muscle relaxants Osteoporosis or fragile bones is a factor In assessing hyper mobile or subluxed joints Painful conditions Hemophilia Hematoma in the region especially in the elbow, hip or knee If bony ankylosis is suspected After an injury disrupting soft tissue (tendons, muscles or ligaments) In the region of a newly united fracture After prolonged immobilization of a part (Clarkson, 2000) 4/23/2017 RHS 221

client performs AROM at affected joint & joints proximal and distal therapist observes all joints separately, bilaterally and symmetrically 4/23/2017 RHS 221

Provides info about: Patient’s willingness to move the joint. Coordination. Level of consciousness. Attention span. Joint ROM. Movements that cause or increase pain. Muscle strength. Ability to follow instructions. Ability to perform functional activities. 4/23/2017 RHS 221

AROM maybe decreased due to: Restricted joint mobility. Muscle weakness. Pain. Inability to follow instructions. Unwillingness to move. (Clarkson, 2000) 4/23/2017 RHS 221

15 ASSESSMENT OF PROM Determines: Perform PROM to:
amount of movement at joint greater than AROM due to elastic stretch of muscle tissue and decreased bulk Perform PROM to: establish joints ROM determine quality of movement throughout ROM & end feel determine whether a capsule or noncapsular pattern is present presence of pain (Clarkson, 2000) 4/23/2017 RHS 221

unique anatomical structure of a joint determines the direction & magnitude of the joints ROM 4/23/2017 RHS 221

Stretching of soft tissue Stretching of ligaments or joint capsule Apposition of soft tissue Bone contacting bone 4/23/2017 RHS 221

the sensation transmitted to the therapist’s hands at the extreme end of the passive ROM indicates the structures that limit the joint movement - may be normal (physiological) or abnormal (pathological) 1. Normal End Feel when full Rom & normal anatomy of joint stops movement 2. Abnormal End Feel decrease or increase in the ROM or normal ROM exists but other structures other than the normal anatomy stop joint movement 4/23/2017 RHS 221

19 Normal End Feel Examples:
Hard (bony) bone contacts bone hard abrupt stop painless e.g. Elbow extension 4/23/2017 RHS 221

20 Normal End Feel Examples Cont’d
Soft (soft tissue apposition) soft compression of tissue (muscle) e.g. Knee & elbow flexion 4/23/2017 RHS 221

21 Normal End Feel Examples Cont’d
Firm (soft tissue stretch) firm or springy sensation with slight give feeling depends on the thickness of the tissue - Achilles has stronger give to it than that of wrist flexion e.g. Dorsi flexion with extended knee (gastrocnemius) 4/23/2017 RHS 221

22 Normal End Feel Examples Cont’d
Firm (capsular stretch) hard arrest to movement with some give when joint capsule or ligament stretched like stretching leather e.g. Passive external rotation of shoulder 4/23/2017 RHS 221

23 Abnormal (Pathologic) End Feels
Hard An abrupt hard stop to movement when bone contacts bone, or a bony grating sensation, when rough articular surfaces pass over each other. Loose bodies, degenerative joint disease, dislocations, or a fracture. Soft Boggy sensation that indicates the presence of synovitis or soft tissue edema. 4/23/2017 RHS 221

24 Abnormal (Pathologic) End Feels Cont’d
Firm A springy sensation or a hard arrest to movements with some give, indicating muscular, capsular or ligamentous shortening. Springy Block A rebound is seen or felt and indicates the presences of an internal derangement. e.g. knee with a torn meniscus. 4/23/2017 RHS 221

25 Abnormal (Pathologic) End Feels Cont’d
Empty No sensation (end feel) before the end of passive ROM due to pain. This may be caused by: Extra-articular abscess a neoplasm (abnormal growth of tissue) acute bursitis joint inflammation fracture Spasm A hard sudden stop to passive movement that is often accompanied by pain is indicative of an acute or subacute arthritis, the presence of a severe active lesion or fracture. If pain is absent a spasm end feel may indicate a lesion of the CNS with resultant increase muscular tonus. (Clarkson, 2000) 4/23/2017 RHS 221

26 End feel Activity Find 2 of each of the following end feels
Hard (bony) Soft (soft tissue apposition) Firm (soft tissue stretch) Firm (capsular stretch) 4/23/2017 RHS 221

27 ROM Instrumentation Universal Goniometer OB Goniometer Tape measure
4/23/2017 RHS 221

28 ASSESSMENT PROCEDURE Passive Joint Range of Movement: Expose the area
Explanation and instruction explain verbally or demonstrate by passively moving patient’s limb through test movement. Assessment of the normal ROM uninvolved side first involved side * if uninvolved side can’t be used - rely on past experience taking into account age, sex, dominance & occupation Measurement procedure: patient position trick movements or substitute stabilization measurement 4/23/2017 RHS 221

29 Universal Goniometer Most common device used to measure joint angles or ROM degree protractor One axis which joins two arms One stationary arm One moveable arm Size of goniometer is determined by size of the joint being assessed 4/23/2017 RHS 221

30 Measurement Procedure- universal goniometer
Goniometer placement: The goniometer should be placed lateral to the joint, just off the surface of the limb . Axis: The axis of the goniometer should be placed over the axis of movement of the joint Eg. Bony prominance Anatomical landmark 4/23/2017 RHS 221

31 Goniometer Placement Cont’d:
Stationary arm: lies parallel to the longitudinal axis of the fixed proximal joint segment and/or points toward a distant bony prominence Movable arm: lies parallel to the to the longitudinal axis of the moving distal joint segment and/or points toward a distant bony prominence 4/23/2017 RHS 221

32 Measurement using the Goniometer:
Have the client actively move through joint ROM. Therapist identifies end feel at the joint being measured. Therapist aligns goniometer appropriately for the joint to be measured. If able, the therapist moves client through the final few degrees of PROM. Therapist records goniometer measurement. 4/23/2017 RHS 221

33 Lets try it Shoulder Flexion Wrist radial and ulnar deviation
ROM will be covered in detail during Occth 583 however you should attempt to learn the basics as you will have very little time to practice. Measurements are actually quite simple. Shoulder Flexion Wrist radial and ulnar deviation Finger MCP flexion Hip Flexion Ankle Dorsiflexion / Plantarflexion Abduction of the Great Toe 4/23/2017 RHS 221

A procedure for the evaluation of the function and strength of individual muscles and muscle groups based on effective performance of a movement in relation to the forces of gravity and manual resistance. 4/23/2017 RHS 221

Knowledge of joint motion Origin and insertion of muscles Function of muscles and substitution patterns Ability to palpate the muscle or its tendon To distinguish between normal and atrophied contour Grading parameters 4/23/2017 RHS 221

36 CONTRAINDICATIONS: (same as for ROM and PROM)
Inflammation Pain Joint instability Increased tone-unreliable 4/23/2017 RHS 221

History of Cardiovascular problems Abdominal surgery or herniation of the abdominal wall In conditions where fatigue or overwork may be detrimental (MS) 4/23/2017 RHS 221

38 DEFINITIONS: Muscle strength
maximal amount of tension or force that a muscle or muscle group can voluntarily exert in one maximal effort, when type of muscle contraction, limb velocity, and joint angle are specified. Muscle endurance the ability of a muscle or a muscle group to perform repeated contractions, against a resistance, or maintain an isometric contraction for a period of time. 4/23/2017 RHS 221

39 Range of muscle work the full range in which a muscle works refers to the muscle changing from a position of full stretch and contracting to a position of maximal shortening. 4/23/2017 RHS 221

40 Outer range A position where the muscle is on full stretch to a position halfway through the full range. Inner range A position halfway through the full range to a position where the muscle is fully shortened. Middle range The portion of full range between the midpoint of the outer range and the mid point of the inner range. 4/23/2017 RHS 221

41 4/23/2017 RHS 221

42 Passive insufficiency
ROM is limited by length of muscle e.g. Hamstrings. 4/23/2017 RHS 221

43 Active insufficiency when a muscle crosses two or more joints it performs simultaneous actions at all the involved joints. The muscle is unable to produce effective tension at all joints = active insufficiency. 4/23/2017 RHS 221

44 Muscle Contractions: Isometric (static) contraction
tension developed within a muscle but the muscle does not change length. Isotonic contraction constant tension against a load of resistance. Concentric contraction tension developed within the muscle and the muscle shortens. Eccentric contraction tension developed within the muscle and the muscle lengthens. 4/23/2017 RHS 221

Age Sex Type of muscle contraction Muscle size Speed of muscle contraction Previous training effect Joint position Length - Tension Relations Diurnal Variation Temperature Fatigue Motivation, level of pain, body type, occupation and dominance are other factors that may affect strength. (Clarkson, 2000) 4/23/2017 RHS 221

46 JOINT POSITIONS Close-Packed Position
joint surfaces are fully congruent and cannot be pulled apart - maximal tension in joint capsule and ligaments *Avoid close-packed position when muscle testing as joint can be locked into position in the presents of a weak prime mover. 4/23/2017 RHS 221

Loose-Packed Position joint surfaces are least congruent greatest laxity of capsule and ligament resting position of joint 4/23/2017 RHS 221

Prime movers Patient position: allows for function A.G. - movements upward in vertical plane G.E. - movements in the horizontal plane Stabilization Test Position and Test Movement 4/23/2017 RHS 221

Resistance Palpation Substitution Methods: a) Isometric Holdings: Force applied after the motion is completed during inner range. (combination isotonic-isometric resistance) b) Isotonic contraction: Resistance to the ongoing movement.*** 4/23/2017 RHS 221

Grading: Manual muscle grading is based on 3 factors a. The ability of the muscle or muscle group to move the part through a complete ROM: against gravity, gravity eliminated etc. b. The amount of manual resistance that can be given to a contracted muscle or muscle group. c. Evidence of the presence or absence of a contraction in a muscle or muscle group. 4/23/2017 RHS 221

51 4/23/2017 RHS 221

5 (Normal): full ROM against gravity with maximum resistance 4 (Good): full ROM against gravity with moderate resistance 3 (Fair): ROM against gravity with no resistance 2 (Poor): full ROM with gravity eliminated 1 (Trace): No ROM - palpable or observable flicker (Evidence of slight contractility) 0 (Zero): No palpable or visible flicker 4/23/2017 RHS 221

5 AG full ROM with maximum resistance 4 AG full ROM with moderate resistance 4- AG greater than ½ ROM with moderate resistance 3+AG less than ½ ROM with minimum resistance 3 AG full ROM with no resistance 3- AG greater than ½ ROM 2+ AG less than ½ ROM 2 GE full ROM 2- GE greater than ½ ROM 1+ GE less than ½ ROM 1 No ROM - palpable or observable flicker 0 No palpable or visible flicker 4/23/2017 RHS 221

54 MMT - CONVENTIONAL GRADING hands and feet (No AG or GE positions)
5 - Full ROM with maximum resistance 4 - Full ROM with moderate resistance 3 - Full ROM with no resistance 2 - Part of available ROM 1 - No ROM - palpable or observable flicker 0 - No palpable or visible flicker 4/23/2017 RHS 221

55 Testing procedure (pg 109 manual)
Screen - Put client in against gravity (AG) position for segment being tested. Have them do the movement – find the muscle (palpate) If able to go through full range = min 3, if partial movement grade accordingly Add resistance – give grade according to the amount of resistant provided If unable to move AG then put in gravity eliminated position (GE) and have them do the movement – grade the muscle accordingly Note for hands and feet there is no GE 4/23/2017 RHS 221

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