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MyOcean2 First Annual Meeting – 17-18 April 2013 MONITORING & FORECASTING CENTRES: an overview Marina Tonani with the contribution of all the MFC’s leaders.

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Presentation on theme: "MyOcean2 First Annual Meeting – 17-18 April 2013 MONITORING & FORECASTING CENTRES: an overview Marina Tonani with the contribution of all the MFC’s leaders."— Presentation transcript:

1 MyOcean2 First Annual Meeting – 17-18 April 2013 MONITORING & FORECASTING CENTRES: an overview Marina Tonani with the contribution of all the MFC’s leaders MyOcean2 First Annual Meeting – Cork /16-17 April 2013

2 7 Monitoring and Forecasting Centres MyOcean2 First Annual Meeting – 17-18 April 2013 MFCs geographycal distribution

3 Outline MyOcean2 First Annual Meeting – 17-18 April 2013 List of MFCs Description of external, intermedite and specific core porducts porduced by MFCs Description of the component of the MFC’s (model, DA,..) Real Time products Reanalysis and long time series of hindcast Conclusion

4 External Products V3.0_EPST_External_Products_Spec_Table_1.78.xlsx MFCRT products (AN an/or FC)DT products (hindcast or reanalysis) PHYSBIOPHYSBIO V0V2V3V0V2V3V0V2V3V0V2V3 GLOBAL XXXOOXX ARTIC XXXOOXXXX BALTIC OOOOOXX NWS XXXOOOOOOO IBI OOO Med XXXOXXXXOO BS XXXXXXX Ono data assimilation Xwith data assimilation Each MFC produces RT products (hindcast and forecast) and hystorical data series (reananlysis or hindcast)

5 Intermediate Products V3.0_IPST_Intermediate_Products_Spec_Table_1.18.xlsx PCIBIMED GLOIC* LBCLBC (R&D) IBIMED Backup IBI_ANALYSIS_FORECAST_PHYS_005_001_cMEDEA_ANALYSIS_FORECAST_PHYS_006_001_b

6 Specific Core Products Static imagesStatic images + netCDF SSTseasonal T, S, currents seasonal T, S, currents & anomaly fc day1surfacesurface-bottom GLOXX BALX NWSX MEDXX BSXX V3.0_SCPST_Specific_Core_Products_Spec_Table_1.1.xlsx new

7 MFC short description Dombrowsky et al., Mercator newsletter, October 2012 MFCOGCMIce model (code/rheology) WaveDA codeBGC GLONEMO (1.09) 3.1 (LIM/VP) – LIM/EVPNoSingular Extended Evolutive Kalman SEEK Pisces/offline ARCHYCOM 2.2.37 NERSC 2 cat/EVPNoEnKFNorwecom/onlin e BALHBMThermodynamic onlyNo DMI-ERGOM NWSNEMO 3.2 N/ANoOI scheme (Ocnasm)PML ERSEM IBINEMO 2.3 N/ANoNONo MEDNEMO 3.2 (2.3) N/AWWW-III (WAM) OceanVarOPATM BFM/offline BSMHICNo OI schemeMHI model v1 Update described in the MyO doc. and by personal communication from the MFCs leaders

8 MFC -OGCM short description-1 Dombrowsky et al., Mercator newsletter, October 2012 MFCForcing fields Freq of forcing Atm press. term TidesBulkVertical mixing Free surface GLOECMWFdaily-3hrNo CORETKEimplicit filtered ARCECMWF6 hourlyNo Kara et. al 2000 GISS (Canuto) Explicit time split BALDMI- Hirlam&D WD hourlyYes Neutral Kara et al. 2000 K-omega (Canuto) Explicit NWSMetOfficehourly/3h r Yes Direct FluxesK-epsilonExplicit time split IBIECMWF3 hrYes COREK-epsilonExplicit time split MEDECMWF3-6 hrNo MFSP&P 1981implicit filtered BS Skyron3 hrNo Direct Fluxes /BULK (wind) Mellor & Yamada unexplicit

9 MFC -OGCM short description-2 MFCNATIVE GRIDPRODUCT GRID HORIZONTALVERTICALHORIZONTAL# vertical levels GLO1/12-1/4 1/12 ORCA50 z –levels (ZPS)1/12-1/4 1/12reg. grid 50 ARC~1/8 (10-15km)28 hybrid layers~1/8 (10-15km)12 BAL~2 km (~6km)122 z-levels (109)~2 km (~6km)25 NWS1/15x1/9 7km34 s-levels1/15x1/9 7km24 IBI1/3650 z-levels (ZPS)1/3650 MED1/1672 z-levels (ZPS)1/1672 BS0.061x0.044 (~5x5 km) 38 z-levels0.061x0.044 (~5x5 km) 38

10 Daily forecast production 12345678910 GLO ARC BAL* 2v al di’ NWS IBI MED* BS daily mean hourly inst. daily meanhourly inst daily mean hourly surf. daily mean 3hr inst. daily mean MFCNumber of fcst daysTime resolution PHYS BIO

11 Hindcast NRT production The NRT aggregated data series are updated daily*. NRT product aggregated time series: 2 years-3 months  ongoing weekly update of aggregated with assimilative hindcast prodcuts and 6 days “temporary” update withnon assimilative hindcast (GLO, ARC,MED) continuos daily update with non assimilative hindcast or assimilative hindcast (BAL, NWS,IBI and BS)

12 Hindcast NRT production GLO_PHYS: 15-day assimilative hindcast once a week, 24hr hindcast all the other 6 days of the week from FC as MFS GLO_BIO: 7 days hindcast once a week (2-3 weeks delay with RT) ARC_PHYS&BIO: 7-day assimilative hindcast once a week, 24hr hindcast all the other 6 days of the week MED_PHYS: 15-day assimialtive hindcast once a week, 24hr hindcast all the other 6 days of the week BAL_PHYs&BIO: 12 hr with best weather prediction (6hr res.) and you update the porduct 12hr + 60 hr fcst NWS_PHYS&BIO: 24hr assimilative hindcast everyday IBI: hindcast 24hr? (daily produce a simulation with the wind assimilated and the best possible ocean conditions) Day before as the glo BS: 4-day assimilative hindcast every day

13 Reanalysis/Hindcast long time series MFCPHYS/BIOPERIOD#yrTIME RES.Note GLOPHYS1993-200917montlhysimulation PHYS1993-2009/201017-18montlhy3 dataset from 3 differents inst. PHYS1993-ongoing20+weekly/montlhyreproc. (Armor products) ARCPHYS1991-201020montlhy BIO2007-20093monthly BALPHYS1990-200920montlhy NWSPHYS1967-200437montlhyhindcast no DA BIO1967-200437montlhyhindcast no DA IBI MEDPHYS1999-201113montlhy/daily BIO2001-201010montlhyhindcast no DA BSPHYS1971-200130daily

14 MFC netCDF files from SUBS ARC IBI GLO BAL BS MED NWS 100 37

15 Conclusion Good level of harmonization among the different MFC’s system implementation products Continuos effort to share as much as possible Submission of a common paper? Thanks to all the MFC’s leader for their contribution and collaboration Thanks to Laurence Crosnier for her support for the retrivineg and “interpretation” of the MyO relevant documents.

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