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Let’s get started on the C&M Group Project!!! 1.Type your first AND last name 2.Type your Teacher’s name (**Fill in your partner(s) information here as.

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Presentation on theme: "Let’s get started on the C&M Group Project!!! 1.Type your first AND last name 2.Type your Teacher’s name (**Fill in your partner(s) information here as."— Presentation transcript:

1 Let’s get started on the C&M Group Project!!! 1.Type your first AND last name 2.Type your Teacher’s name (**Fill in your partner(s) information here as well) Your First & Last Name: Your Earth/Space teachers name: 1. 2. 3.

2 Climate and Meteorology Project Instructions: 1.Each team member selects a global location (city from any where around the world). 2.Complete the weather station map on the 4th slide by listing the six components of weather. 3.Each team member researches the 7 day weather forecast for that location on the 6 th slide. Each box should Include: 1.Weather Model 2.Temperature (High and Low) 3. Precipitation 4.Wind Speed 4.Each team member recommends tips for citizens based on the weather conditions and insert an image of your city on the 7 th slide. 5.Share the information with your group. 6.Combine all of the information to create one final product to turn in to your teacher. Include images, and be creative. Ready, Set, Pick Your City… Tips Use or other reliable weather site for your research. You will have to cite your Your NameCity You Picked 1. 2. 3. (**Fill in your partner(s) information here as well.)

3 Example of what to look for at 1. Type in your city in Search Box 2. Click “Open Weather Details” for all the information you’ll need to view. 3.Record: temperature, cloud cover, wind speed and wind direction, pressure, and dew point

4 WeatherData 1. Temperature 2. Dew Point 3. Barometric Pressure 4. Wind Direction 5. Wind Speed 6. Cloud Cover Student Name: City:

5 Click here for the 10 Day weather information. You will need to record the: 1.High & Low Temperature 2.Chance of Rain 3.Direction & Speed of Wind *For 7 days only (not all 10) in the chart on the following slide.

6 Weather Forecast: High/Low Temp, % Rain, Wind Speed/Direction NAME: CITY: Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7

7 Weather Tips for Citizens NAME: CITY: TIPS: (What would someone need to know if they were vacationing in that city for the next week?) Weather Picture of your city

8 Project Plan- Guess what? You are just about finished!! Your full Name-Teacher’s Name Use your color Describe your contribution- what was your favorite part? Reflect on your overall collaboration experience.

9 **And the slide #10 you did for your partner(s).*

10 Collaboration Part 2! Evaluated by:__________________________________ / _______________________ (Put your name on the line and your teachers name.)

11 1.) Your ENTIRE project 2.) Slide #10 you got back from your partner(s); (your partner(s) evaluation; which is Part 2 of the project) PLUS a copy of the slide #10 you did for your partner(s). 3.) Slides 4, 6, and 7 from your PARTNER(s) project – Just add them to the very end of your project.


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