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The MASS is also known as the EUCHARIST is a GREEK word. What does it mean? (Click on the answer!) BREAD THANKSGIVING HOSANNA.

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Presentation on theme: "The MASS is also known as the EUCHARIST is a GREEK word. What does it mean? (Click on the answer!) BREAD THANKSGIVING HOSANNA."— Presentation transcript:


2 The MASS is also known as the EUCHARIST is a GREEK word. What does it mean? (Click on the answer!) BREAD THANKSGIVING HOSANNA

3 WRONG! No! Although BREAD is used at the Mass, this is NOT what EUCHARIST means. Click on the arrow to go back and try again!

4 WELL DONE! EUCHARIST is the Greek word for “THANKSGIVING” Click on the arrow below to proceed

5 HOSANNA is an Aramaic word which means “SAVE US!” Click on the arrow to go back and try again! WRONG!

6 THE ORDER OF THE MASS There are 5 main sections to the Mass. You need to know these by name and the order in which they come. The next few pages will help you to learn what you need to know!

7 1. The PENITENTIAL RITE  T This where the congregation SAY SORRY to God and ask for forgiveness.  One of the prayers uses the words : LORD HAVE MERCY.  This helps Catholics to heal their relationship with God.

8 2. The LITURGY of the WORD  This where God talks to the congregation through BIBLE READINGS.  The priest will then give a SERMON (or HOMILY) explaining the readings.  Then the people PRAY asking for GOD’S HELP in the world

9 3. The LITURGY of the EUCHARIST  The congregation offer bread, wine and money which are brought to the ALTAR  Then the priest re-enacts the LAST SUPPER. He says the words of JESUS : “This is my body which will be given up for you.”  This is when Catholics believe the bread and wine become the Body and Blood of Christ

10 4. The RITE of COMMUNION  The priest says the words “THIS IS THE LAMB OF GOD WHO TAKES AWAY THE SINS OF THE WORLD. HAPPY ARE THOSE WHO ARE CALLED TO HIS SUPPER.”  Then the congregation receive the BODY and BLOOD OF CHRIST  This is also called COMMUNION.

11 The BLESSING and DISMISSAL  The congregation are challenged by the priest who says Go in peace to love and serve the Lord!

12 Go in peace to love and serve the Lord!

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