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Hawaii Institute of Marine Biology – Pacific Islands Regional Sanctuary RESEARCH PARTNERSHIP OBJECTIVE: Provide scientific research that informs ecosystem-based.

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Presentation on theme: "Hawaii Institute of Marine Biology – Pacific Islands Regional Sanctuary RESEARCH PARTNERSHIP OBJECTIVE: Provide scientific research that informs ecosystem-based."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hawaii Institute of Marine Biology – Pacific Islands Regional Sanctuary RESEARCH PARTNERSHIP OBJECTIVE: Provide scientific research that informs ecosystem-based management of the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands

2 Papahanaumokuakea

3 Appropriate Scales for management units Determine top predator home ranges Determine top predator home ranges Determine scales of larval dispersal Determine scales of larval dispersal

4 Ecologically Sensitive Areas Determine the spatial patterns of genetic diversity – are genetically diverse areas more resilient? Determine the spatial patterns of genetic diversity – are genetically diverse areas more resilient? Identify ecologically relevant indicators of reef health. Identify ecologically relevant indicators of reef health.

5 Define, Monitor, Protect Intact Ecological Communities Baseline measurements of community diversity at species and genetic level. Baseline measurements of community diversity at species and genetic level. Identify threats Identify threats Monitor for change (40+ full time researchers) Monitor for change (40+ full time researchers) Bring findings to managers to inform management strategies Bring findings to managers to inform management strategies

6 Top predator movements 121 fish tagged 20 acoustic receivers covering 8 islands & atolls in NWHI Several surprising long- distance movements already recorded Meyer & Holland, in prep. Meyer et al., 2007 121 fish tagged 20 acoustic receivers covering 8 islands & atolls in NWHI Several surprising long- distance movements already recorded

7 Bird, Holland, Bowen & Toonen, in press. Scales of larval dispersal & connectivity across the Hawaiian Archipelago 3b 4 5 6 1a 1b 2 3a Cellana talcosa Cellana exarataCellana sandwicensis

8 Kobayashi (2006) Coral Reefs MHI NWHI Partners: NMFS, Pacific Islands Fisheries Science Center

9 Johnston Atoll F ST = 0.15, Nm ≈ 1.4 F ST = 0, Nm = ∞ FFS Scales of larval dispersal & connectivity across the Hawaiian Archipelago F ST = 0.15, Nm ≈ 1.3 Holothuria atra Oahu MHI NWHI

10 Scales of larval dispersal & Main-NWHI connectivity, con’t. Results differ by species: Some show strong population structure across the archipelago, while others do not Suggests that larval dispersal and connectivity is highly variable among species Survey seeks to determine whether there are generalities that can be made

11 a) c) b) Distribution & susceptibility of coral/symbiont types 103 corals sampled to date: 7 type A 96 type C 4 diseased colonies: 4/103 overall (4%) Disease frequency by symbiont type: 4/7 type A diseased (60%) 0/96 type C diseased (0%) Stat & Gates, in prep

12 Main Hawaiian Islands Relative reef health status throughout Hawaii Rodgers & Jokiel, in prep. Northwestern Hawaiian Islands

13 n = 122n = 47 n = 151 Concepcion, Toonen, et al. in review Invasive species

14 SummarySummary Johnston Atoll is the gateway to the Hawaiian Archipelago. Johnston Atoll is the gateway to the Hawaiian Archipelago. Management units must be species specific. Management units must be species specific. Ecosystem based management requires an understanding of all contributors to the ecosystem. Ecosystem based management requires an understanding of all contributors to the ecosystem. NOAA-University partnerships are very effective. NOAA-University partnerships are very effective.

15 joannleo@hawaii.eduAcknowledgements Support from Hawaii Congressional Office: Support from Hawaii Congressional Office: Senator Daniel K. Inouye Senator Daniel K. Inouye Senator Daniel Akaka Senator Daniel Akaka Congressman Neil Abercrombie Congressman Neil Abercrombie Congresswoman Mazie Hirono Congresswoman Mazie Hirono Partners: Partners: NOAA-NOS Sanctuary Program (Papahanaumokuakea MNM) NOAA-NOS Sanctuary Program (Papahanaumokuakea MNM) NOAA-NMFS (PIFSC, WesPac) NOAA-NMFS (PIFSC, WesPac) University of Hawaii SOEST and CNS. University of Hawaii SOEST and CNS. Additional funding for Ecosystem Based Management: Additional funding for Ecosystem Based Management: NSF/EPA/Hawaii state funding: NSF/EPA/Hawaii state funding: Faculty, staff salaries: Faculty, staff salaries:

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