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Announcements Election Day Tuesday 11/6 Brecknock Fire Company Breakfast 11/11 The Return of Pizza and Movie Night 11/16 Work Day at the Mount 11/17 Berks.

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Presentation on theme: "Announcements Election Day Tuesday 11/6 Brecknock Fire Company Breakfast 11/11 The Return of Pizza and Movie Night 11/16 Work Day at the Mount 11/17 Berks."— Presentation transcript:

1 Announcements Election Day Tuesday 11/6 Brecknock Fire Company Breakfast 11/11 The Return of Pizza and Movie Night 11/16 Work Day at the Mount 11/17 Berks Women in Crisis Thanksgiving Dinner 11/21 at 5:00 PM No Bible Study on 11/22

2 And the Spirit of the Lord….

3 The necessity of being filled Jesus knew we would have trouble-John 16:33 He knew that it was necessary for Him to give His life so that we could have the Holy Spirit Luke 24:46-48 He instructed His disciples to wait until they are filled with power Luke 24:49

4 Equips the under equipped Numbers 11 The children of Israel had fallen to a new low God broke out against the children and even lit a few up outside the camp Moses is exhausted from their disbelief God equips the elders by pouring out His Spirit upon them. Learn from Eldad and Medad

5 Gives power when needed Samson was protected from a lion when the Holy Spirit came upon him He was used to defeat the Philistines multiple times when the Spirit came upon him He killed one thousand of God’s enemies with a jaw bone

6 Changes behavior Saul was given the ability to lead as King over Israel - 1 Sam 10:6 A coward, who hid on the day of his ordination, could have successfully led His choices disqualified him, but the Spirit had enabled him

7 It brings conviction The men of Israel who had turned away from David were rejoined to him as their leader – 1 Chron 12:18 Zechariah is filled by the Holy Spirit and calls the children to holiness – 2 Chron 24:20

8 So What? So what are you going to do as a result? Intentions without actions are just fantasies Are you sick, be filled with the Holy Spirit Are you depressed, be filled with the Holy Spirit Do you want direction on what to do next, be filled with the Holy Spirit

9 Are you struggling financially – be filled with the Holy Spirit Do you face obstacles, challenges, or big decisions – be filled with the Holy Spirit Do you wish you felt closer to God – be filled with the Holy Spirit Do you need courage or strength to navigate through a current situation – be filled with the Holy Spirit Do you want to break away from a habitual sin – be filled with the Holy Spirit

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