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Welcome to Kindergarten Lyme Central School. Lots of information and a complete kindergarten handbook are always available on our web sites.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Kindergarten Lyme Central School. Lots of information and a complete kindergarten handbook are always available on our web sites."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Kindergarten Lyme Central School

2 Lots of information and a complete kindergarten handbook are always available on our web sites.

3 The Common Core in New York Kindergarten Classrooms The Common Core stresses a new focus on depth of learning, rather than breath of information. For more information on the curriculum, visit For more information on the Common Core Learning Standards, visit

4 English Language Arts Curriculum Listening and Learning Strand A series of read ‐ alouds organized by topics, many of which are informational in nature. The goal is for students to acquire language competence through listening, specifically building a rich vocabulary, and broad knowledge in history and science by being exposed to carefully selected, sequenced, and coherent read ‐ alouds. Phonics Teaches the mechanics of reading. Students are taught systematic and explicit phonics instruction as their primary tool for decoding written English. Guided Reading and Accountable Independent Reading Additional literacy time within the school day where teachers can work with students in developmentally appropriate groupings to meet their individual needs. The purpose of this time is to build independent, interested, and capable readers.

5 Math Curriculum Counting and Cardinality Know number names and count sequence. Count to tell the number of objects. Compare numbers. Operations and Algebraic Thinking Understand addition as putting together and adding to, and understand subtraction as taking apart and taking from. Number and Operations in Base Ten Work with numbers 11 ‐ 19 to grain foundations for place value.

6 The Twelve Shifts of the Common Core State Standards The Common Core State Standards ask teachers to make 12 major “shifts” or (changes) in their classrooms – six shifts in English language arts and six shifts in Mathematics. As a parent, you can help and learn more by talking with your child about what they are learning. Ask open- ended questions about what they learned in school each day, read their homework and attend school events to learn about what their teachers expect. English Language Arts/Literacy Mathematics Read as much non-fiction as fiction Build skills across grade levels Learn about the world by reading Learn more about less Read more challenging material Use math facts easily Talk about reading using "evidence" Think fast and solve problems Write about texts using "evidence" Really know it, really do it Know more vocabulary words Use math in the real world

7 Special Events Throughout the Year Halloween Parade Thanksgiving Dinner Holiday and Spring Concerts Valentines Day Party 100 th Day of School Celebration Grandparents’ Day Reading Week St. Lawrence River Boat Tour Pirate Day Ice Cream Shop visit School Field Days Kindergarten Graduation

8 Children entering kindergarten should be able to identify and give the sounds of most of the letters of the alphabet, should be able to identify numbers up to 10 on sight, should be able to count verbally up to 20, should be able to manage clothing independently, including zippers, should be able to use the bathroom independently. Our expectations of incoming Kindergartners

9 Read to/with your child daily Teach to use zippers and putting on shoes independently Make sure your child gets plenty of rest at night. Play educational games at home to support school learning. Limit television viewing. Help your child feel independent by dressing them in clothes that they can manage on their own. Encourage exercise and healthy eating habits. Always remember you are your child's first teacher. Engage your child in conversation How can you prepare your child?

10 Children who have never attended Lyme are welcome to schedule a time to visit a kindergarten room during a school day. Please speak to a teacher for more information.

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