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You Which Side Will You Choose?. CHOICE to move from one side to another; to pass over mediocrity. Obstacles/Roadblocks:Obstacles/Roadblocks: Ways to.

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Presentation on theme: "You Which Side Will You Choose?. CHOICE to move from one side to another; to pass over mediocrity. Obstacles/Roadblocks:Obstacles/Roadblocks: Ways to."— Presentation transcript:

1 You Which Side Will You Choose?


3 to move from one side to another; to pass over mediocrity. Obstacles/Roadblocks:Obstacles/Roadblocks: Ways to overcome:Ways to overcome: Choice:

4 BEWARE OF THE ENEMY CALLED AVERAGE ˚ “Mediocrity is a region bound on the north by compromise, on the south by indecision, on the east by past thinking and on the west by a lack of vision.” John Mason Let’s be courageous to go from where we are to where we deserve to be in customer satisfaction.

5 calling card and business reputation. It supports our brand.

6 — IT’S A STATE OF MIND, A COMMITMENT, A RESPONSIBILITY, A SPIRIT, A WAY OF DOING, BEING AND LIVING.” “Quality is more than a chart, or a standard, or a specification


8 How Serious Are We ?

9 When you take patient satisfaction very seriously:  You will achieve higher quality of care  Your staff will be more content with their jobs and turnover will be lower  You will be more likely to stay financially healthy  Your competitive position will be strengthened  You will be less likely to be sued

10 Administration Patient Care Services Quality Council Educational Services CustomerCare Team “Resource”

11 COLLABORATION FOR CONTINUITY New Hire General Orientation: Service Heroes New Hire Clinical Orientation: HCAHPS Focus Training for Veteran Staff 11/18/11: Service Heroes

12  The biggest crisis facing healthcare today is that people working in it no longer feel heroic. o Although every day they have the opportunity to be a hero in someone’s life.  What is a hero? o Makes a difference in someone’s life. o Is remembered fondly by someone else for the rest of his/her life. STOP AND TAKE A PICTURE

13 HOW CAN WE HELP SHIFT OUR CULTURE? FOCUS ON “EMPLOYEE ENGAGEMENT ” Gallup reports that highly satisfied groups of employees often exhibit above-average levels of the following characteristics: Customer loyalty (56 percent) Productivity (50 percent) Employee retention (50 percent) Safety records (50 percent) Profitability (33 percent)

14 “Employee satisfaction leads to customer satisfaction. When internal customers (employees)are happy, they treat external customers well. Customers will keep coming back for more. This grows the relationship and leads to customer loyalty.” -Richard Federico, Vice President and National Work- Life Practice Leader at The Segal Company in “Survey Links Work-Life Programs to Employee Performance

15  People’s behaviors directly impact the work environment and customer experience.  Customer service and a positive work environment are connected.  Internal customer service precedes external customer service.  Accountability to the same standards is critical.  A fair workplace is a positive workplace.  Recognition restores pride in the workplace.  Leaders can restore pride in healthcare by reassuring workers they can be service heroes. CONNECTING THE DOTS SGMC’s Front-Line Directly Impacts Customer Perception and our Bottom-Line

16 Simple Can be Harder than Complex "That's been one of my mantras - focus and simplicity. Simple can be harder than complex: You have to work hard to get your thinking clean to make it simple. But it's worth it in the end because once you get there, you can move mountains. Creativity is just connecting dots. You‘ve got to start with the “customer experience” and work back toward the technology - not the other way around.” STEVE JOBS 1955 - 2011

17 LEADERSHIP MINDSET SHIFTS FromTo Provider OrientationCustomer Orientation Silo ThinkingOrganizational Perspective DirectingCoaching Status Quo ThinkingCourage, Risk and Change Busy-nessResults TellingFacilitating Dialogue Protecting TurfBuilding Relationships Function ManagerBusiness Leader Employee as ExpendableEmployees are Priceless

18 HCAHPS QUESTIONS The 27 questions are broken down in the following sections: 1.Nurse Communication 2.Doctor Communication 3.Pain Management 4.Medicine Communication 5.Hospital Cleanliness & Quietness 6.Discharge Information 7.Overall Hospital Rating 8.About You The questions are designed by patient perception with frequency based answers ranging from N EVER, S OMETIMES, U SUALLY, AND A LWAYS

19 Press Ganey Scores 3 rd Qtr 2011 (July, Aug & Sept) Inpatient: GOAL 50% Rank OB 94% Rank 3W 59% Rank 4W 60% Rank Food Services 88% Rank Ambulatory Surgery: Goal 65% Rank New Surgery Center 71% Rank Emergency Dept. Goal 50% Rank 58% Rank CONGRATULATIONS TO THE FOLLOWING FOR MAKING GOAL!!

20 Inpatient -HCAHPS only questions for SGMC & SNH -Press Ganey will continue to be our survey vendor -Move from mail to phone methodology -Guaranteed 1,000 completed surveys a year Ambulatory Surgery -Proceed with same Press Ganey survey questions for SGMC -Move from mail to phone methodology -Guaranteed 1,000 completed surveys a year Emergency Dept. -Proceed with same Press Ganey survey questions for SGMC -Move from mail to phone methodology -Guaranteed 1,000 completed surveys a year

21  Focus on “Customer’s Perception of Care” vs. Surveys  A clear direction  Defined expectations organizational-wide with built-in accountability  A committed, comprehensive and united internal team  Maximizing existing tools to ensure consistency  Intense training to hardwire results  Tapping CustomerCare Team & Customer Satisfaction Tools  Staying the course KEYS TO HARDWIRING RESULTS

22 “Continuous effort — not strength or intelligence— is the key to unlocking our potential.” —Winston Churchill

23 UPDATED – TIMELY – – PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS & SOLUTIONS – USER-FRIENDLY Press Ganey Priority Index and HCAHPS Questions… linked to the 9 Customer Service Absolutes and Best Practices


25 BE It’s Your Choice

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