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Architecture Research for the Dynamic Positioning System Project SCR/Chemtech/Universities.

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1 Architecture Research for the Dynamic Positioning System Project SCR/Chemtech/Universities

2 2 Dynamic Positioning Systems, Dynamic Positioning (DP) systems were born in 1960s as a result of the increasing demands of the rapidly expanding oil and gas offshore exploration industry Definition: Dynamic Positioning is a system which automatically controls a vessel to maintain her position and heading exclusively by means of active thrust Presently, there are over 1000 DP-capable vessels where most of them are dedicated to the exploration or exploitation of oil and gas reserves

3 3 Software Architecture Practitioners and Researchers from SCR, Chemtech, COPPE, Drexel, LÁquila, Pitt, UFF We have built a global architecture research team bringing together NFR expertise to perform quantitative analysis the dynamic positioning project architecture

4 4 Where we fit Chemtech, UFF, COPPE Rio de Janeiro Brazil Siemens Corporate Research (SCR,Princeton) Drexel and Pitt PA LAquila Italy

5 5 Chemtech Architecture of Dynamic Positioning System Integration and annotation with UML Models Siemens Corporate Research – Research Architecture Process, Architecture Reviews, Test Case Generation, Reliability Modeling L‘Aquila Modeling Dependability Assessment Integration with UML Models UFF Architecture modeling and algorithm evaluation for dyanmic positioning Pitt Modeling Power generation algorithms to guarantee uninterrupted operation of drilling ship SCR, Chemtech, University Collaboration Architecture Expertise COPPE Performance Analysis Model Integration with UML Models Drexel Analytical Models (DSMs) Modularity Assessment Integration into UML Models

6 6 Architecture Research Problem Chemtech Architect “Creating UML Models”” NFR Teams on several sites “Use existing modeling tools for quantitative analysis: DSM, Performance, Dependability, Architecture Alternatives Evaluations.” Issues with Existing Approach: -Dynamic Positioning Project Architect is a scarce expensive resource -NFR Teams require architecture information to model NFR requirements -How to maintain common architecture view across sites as architecture evolves?

7 7 Suggested Architecture Research Solution Approach Chemtech Architect “Analyze & Visualize by Creating Annotated UML Models using Open-Source tool NFR Teams on several sites “Understand & Annotate UML Models Convert UML Model Annotation into existing modeling Tool” NFR Teams on several sites “Integrate existing tools with Open-Source UML Tool to enable seamless integration of UML models with quantitative assessment tools” How to provide seamless global architecture view across multiple sites to enable seamless collaboration without excessive overhead on the architecture research teams?

8 8 Quantitative Architecture Analysis Models (Drexel) Analytical Decision Models Design Structure Matrix (DSM) Augmented Constrain Network (ACN) Architecture Analysis Enabled Modularity Analysis: can the parts be independently substituted with better versions without influencing the rest of the system? Net Option Valuation Independence Level Assessment Stability Analysis: How likely the architecture is going to change? Which part is most vulnerable and unstable? Change Impact Analysis: Given an envisioned change, which and how many parts of the system will be affected? Task Parallelism Analysis: How to assign task to minimize communication between remote teams and maximize task parallelism? Automatic Model Transformation From UML Component Diagram to ACN/DSM From UML Class Diagram to ACN/DSM

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