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Rhythmic Applause Jim Goebl. Vicsek et. Al. Paper entitled Self-Organization in the Concert Hall Examines patterns in.

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1 Rhythmic Applause Jim Goebl

2 Vicsek et. Al. Paper entitled Self-Organization in the Concert Hall Examines patterns in the applause of audiences

3 Self-Organization System of a large number of similar components In this case the components are the audience members One event triggers an other event in the opposite direction

4 Clapping Begins as incoherent at the beginning of applause session, but suddenly can become synchronized Clapping can desynchronize and resynchronize several times during applause

5 Research The paper writers decided to study applause by recording it at the end of several performances in European concert halls The synchronization was recorded and graphed Clapping was determined to be periodic

6 Research Discovered that the period of the claps doubled as they became synchronized However, noise intensity decreases as synchronization increases Audience fluctuates between synchronization and intensity with their clapping

7 Further Testing Researchers tested the period increase by asking lone individuals to clap for applause and then clap for rhythm The period doubled between the applause and the rhythmic clapping

8 Synchronized Clapping in the US Audiences synchronize their clapping less often in the United States than in Europe Researchers surmised that this difference occurs because the US is less homogeneous than European nations

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