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Chelsea Meyers German 3 Mr. Manoff 4-19-10 German 3 honors Cultural Project Ludwig van Beethoven.

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Presentation on theme: "Chelsea Meyers German 3 Mr. Manoff 4-19-10 German 3 honors Cultural Project Ludwig van Beethoven."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chelsea Meyers German 3 Mr. Manoff 4-19-10 German 3 honors Cultural Project Ludwig van Beethoven

2 Family History Beethoven was named after his Flemish grandfather, Lodewijk van Beethoven, who was also a musician. His father Johann van Beethoven, who was an alcoholic, and married his mother Magdalena Keverich in 1767. They had several children but most of them died except Beethoven and two of his younger brothers. Beethoven felt very responsible for his brothers because of their fathers absence. Beethoven helped his brothers throughout his entire life. He even helped raise his brothers son after he passed away.

3 Early Years Beethoven was baptized December 17, 1770. He was born in Bonn, Germany. Beethoven's first music teacher was his father. His father tried to make Beethoven into a musical prodigy like Mozart but he was never successful. He even went to the extent to lie about Beethoven's age to get more people to come to his concerts.

4 Musical Career His father being his first musical teacher was said to have been very strict. However Beethoven had several other music teachers such as Gilles van den Eeden, Tobias Friedrich pfeiffer, and Franz Rovantini. Later in 1779 he began studying under possibly his most influential teacher, Christian Gottlob Neefe. Beethoven even published his first composition with him in 1783.

5 Musical Career cont. In 1787 Beethoven moved to Vienna and studied with Joseph Haydn and possibly with Mozart. In Vienna he became connected to many important people which he often dedicated his music to. In 1796 he went on a musical tour of central Europe. On this trip he visited Prague, Dresden, Liepzig, and Berlin. However he was already well known in Prague so he spent most of his time there.

6 Important Works Beethoven did not want to be ruined by his deafness, and by 1812 he had completed symphonies 2 and 3 'Eroica', 4, 5, and, 6 'Pastoral', 7 and 8, Piano Concertos 4 and 5 'Emperor', the Violin Concerto, piano sonatas, and the three Rasumovsky String Quartets.

7 Theatre Beethoven only wrote one Opera which was called Fidelio. At first it had little recognition but later Beethoven revised it and it became much more popular.

8 Marriage Beethoven was never married however he did propose to his cousin but after three years he backed out. This happened often with Beethoven. After his death three letters addressed to “immortal beloved” were found. It has never been determined who they were to.

9 Illness Beethoven’s deafness was a slowly occurring process. Even before he died he still had days which he could hear a little most days however he could not hear at all. He eventually made his guests write in a tablet of paper which they wrote down what they wanted to say.

10 Death Beethoven was bedridden his last few months. He died of liver damage which was probably caused by alcohol. Unlike Mozart he had very large funeral.


12 Works Cited "Ludwig van Beethoven." 2010. 14 Apr 2010, 06:50 van-Beethoven-9204862. van-Beethoven-9204862 Oracle ThinkQuest Library. Web. 14 Apr. 2010..

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