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CMS SLHC tracker, Feb 20071 1) some ideas on front end architectures for short strip readout concentrating mainly on power issues 2) outline of plans for.

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1 CMS SLHC tracker, Feb 20071 1) some ideas on front end architectures for short strip readout concentrating mainly on power issues 2) outline of plans for 3 year work program to develop a FE readout chip CMS Outer Tracker Readout at SLHC Mark Raymond – Imperial College

2 CMS SLHC tracker, Feb 20072 CMS LHC tracker FE system current tracker readout analogue custom link driver chip at 40 Ms/s FED digitizes at 10 bits/sample SLHC will most likely use fast (multi-Gbit/s) serial digital links following industrial developments for digital data transmission  can only retain analogue info if low power ADC on front end

3 CMS SLHC tracker, Feb 20073 SLHC FE architecture generic pipeline chip architecture – where to go digital? 128:1 mux FE amp pipeline readout pipeline A)before pipeline ADC on every channel – power issues digital multi-bit pipeline fast FE to achieve single bunch resolution A B other possible FE chip features on-chip sparsification keep option open - maybe better to do further up the readout chain? L1 trigger contribution can short strip layers provide anything useful? would certainly place significant constraints on FE chip architecture B)after mux ADC power shared by 128 channels analog pipeline, analog mux could keep slow FE + decon pipeline readout serial digital O/P ADC power drives choice of A or B

4 CMS SLHC tracker, Feb 20074 ADC power consumption ADC power given by process, Effective No. Of Bits, and conversion frequency based on general considerations (individual architecture dependent) * from A. Marchioro talk at 2 nd SLHC workshop International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors (ITRS-2003) (forecast from the semiconductor industry with 15 year perspective) * 90 130nm 65nm 8bits6.42.5 6bits1.60.6 ADC power @ 20 MHz [mW] ADC on every FE channel hard to do 8 bits @ 20 MHz -> 6.4 mW (0.13  m) ADC on every FE chip quite possible 6.4/128 -> 50  W/chan

5 CMS SLHC tracker, Feb 20075 front end power how much power can be saved 0.25 -> 0.13? can estimate, but learn more by trying to translate circuits e.g. will show here results for APV preamp/shaper circuit have tried to make straightforward translation but one main difference for preamp APV25: 3 supply rails (0, 1.25V, 2.5V) 1.25V included to save power 400μA (1.25V), 110 μA (2.5V) = 0.78 mW propose not to do this again for SLHC use 2 rails only, 0 and 1.2V, and accept power penalty APV25 0.13  m 2.5V 1.25V 1.2V

6 CMS SLHC tracker, Feb 20076 preamp/shaper design (1) APV25 0.13  m 460uA 60uA 50uA 100uA 50uA 25uA 10uA 25uA noise & speed depend on input device transconductance (gain) g m noise  C DET /√g m risetime  C DET C L /C f g m shorter strips -> smaller C DET so lower g m tolerable if choose to accept ~ factor 2 increase in noise slope (over APV25) then g m (0.13) = g m (0.25)/4 simulations show this achieved for ~ 100  A in 0.13 I/P device (W/L = 1000/0.24) total preamp power (including source follower) = 125  A x 1.2 V = 0.15 mW factor ~ 5 reduction from 0.78 mW (APV25 preamp only) Preamp g m  C OX (W/L)I DS S.I.  I DS W.I. CfCf CLCL C DET C fs C C DET CfCf CLCL C C fs

7 CMS SLHC tracker, Feb 20077 preamp/shaper design (2) 460uA 60uA 50uA 100uA 50uA 25uA 10uA 25uA 0.13  m architecture identical to APV25, 50 ns time const. keep gain as high as possible 80 mV/mip c.f. 100 mV/mip for APV25 (1 mip = 4 fC here) makes best use of available dynamic range, but will only work for one polarity (-ve input signal) => need alternative architecture for p-strip signals total 0.13  m shaper power 42  W factor 6 reduction from 250  W (APV25) shaper APV25 CfCf CLCL C DET C fs C 0.13  m C DET CfCf CLCL C C fs

8 CMS SLHC tracker, Feb 20078 0.13 preamp/shaper simulated performance simulated noise slope ~ 70 e/pF => I/P device noise => input spectral density ~ 2.6 nV/√Hz, compares quite well with transistor measurement ~ 2 nV//√Hz with pulse shape tuning can cope with strips up to ~ 10 cm overall preamp/shaper power consumption reduction 1.025 mW (APV25) -> 0.192 mW (0.13  m) factor ~ 5 pulse shape vs. signal size pulse shape vs. Cadded noise vs. Cadded

9 CMS SLHC tracker, Feb 20079 further up the readout chain digital link interface functionality multiplexing sparsification here maybe? encoding and fast serialization how many front end chips/ link? (currently 2 APVs/fibre) depends on output link speed and data volume/FE chip off-detector slow(ish) digital serial data FE chips

10 CMS SLHC tracker, Feb 200710 some data rate numbers L1 trigger rate 100 kHz, 10  sec spacing (on average) current APV data frame duration 7  sec for 140 samples digitize at 8 bits -> 1120 bits to shift out in 7  sec = 160 Mbits/sec this would be the transmission speed at FE chip output without sparsification if 20 FE chips / digital optical link (for example) => 3.2 Gbits/sec raw data if front end sparsification (or faster links) then FE chips / link can increase digital header 128 analogue samples APV O/P Frame 20 MHz readout -> 7  s

11 CMS SLHC tracker, Feb 200711 3 year work program proposed SLHC upgrade date 2015 (~ 8 years away) large scale manufacture of components has to start much sooner => need tested solutions ~ 2010/11 outline here a 3 year program to develop a FE chip for short strip readout at SLHC

12 CMS SLHC tracker, Feb 200712 3 year FE chip development program Year 1 (2007 – 8) develop FE chip specifications (can begin now) investigate, design and submit solutions for: different sensor technologies (polarity, strip length, AC/DC coupling, …) several FE variants to study here one design to suit all likely to be inefficient (and difficult!) low power ADC architecture … not forgetting system issues choice of powering scheme (serial/parallel) power supply rejection (DC-DC conversion) DC balanced digital interfaces (serial powering) definition of system interfaces (control and readout) electrical standards, digital protocols, on-chip PLL physical design of hybrid, module and rod/petal, and manufacturing issues e.g. sensor/FE chip/hybrid interconnection (bump-bonding?)

13 CMS SLHC tracker, Feb 200713 3 year work package for front end (cont’d) Year 2 (2008 - 9) extensive testing program functionality and performance radiation (ionizing and SEE) review specifications design and submit ~ complete FE chip prototype Year 3 (2009 - 10) more testing prototype module construction and evaluation details depend on availability of other components finalize 0.13  m chip design final submission – pre-production circuit

14 CMS SLHC tracker, Feb 200714 resources In UK we are currently preparing bid for funds for SLHC activities including outer tracker FE chip development main FE electronics resources required: funds to participate in 3 MPW runs (0.13  m) design effort (RAL) probably more options to investigate than resources can support => either narrow down options => or devote more resources – scope for collaboration

15 CMS SLHC tracker, Feb 200715 conclusions FE architecture on-chip digitization required if want to retain analog info at SLHC ADC on every channel seems not possible in 0.13  m ADC per FE chip (after mux) is possible slow (50 ns) FE preamp/shaper power can reduce substantially in 0.13  m technology still maintaining good S/N for strips up to ~ 10 cm if required 3 year work program need to establish a funded work program to pursue: design studies to investigate and define architectures hardware implementations of most promising candidate architectures We (CMS-UK) are planning to bid for funds for outer tracker FE chip development plenty of scope for collaboration

16 CMS SLHC tracker, Feb 200716 extra

17 CMS SLHC tracker, Feb 200717 APV25 architecture reminder 128:1 mux preampshaper APSPanalogue pipeline differential analogue output remember existing architecture was also driven by low power original target 2 mW/chan (~2.8 achieved) slow 50 ns CR-RC shaping helps with input stage power but preamp/inverter/shaper power still dominates implementing deconvolution in APSP pipeline readout circuit gives single bunch resolution with no extra power relevance to SLHC? switchable weights to APSP could allow 20/40 MHz bunch crossing frequency adaptability without much extra complexity inverter 20 MHz w1=1, w2=-.74, w3=.14 50 ns CR-RC 50 ns / div 40 MHz w1=1, w2=-1.21, w3=.37 0.8 mW0.5 mW0.25 mW 0.2 mW 0.55 mW (digital ~0.4 mW)

18 CMS SLHC tracker, Feb 200718 Power provision 0.25  m -> 0.13  m chip supply voltages halve, so currents double for same power consumption => 2x power dissipated in cables and 2x voltage drop along cables solution is to deliver power at higher voltage (lower current) => local DC-DC conversion or serial powering -> both have implications for FE chip M1 I IN I OUT M2M3Mn serial chain of modules at different DC voltages linear regulation on each module AC or opto-coupling of signals (readout & cntrl) parallel DC-DC conversion V IN GND M1M2M3Mn module powering more conventional DC-DC conversion the main issue FE chip supply rejection issues? see DC to DC Power Conversion, Ely and Garcia-Sciveres, LECC 2006 (Valencia)

19 CMS SLHC tracker, Feb 200719 0.13  m input transistor choice input device choice determined by: speed: O/P risetime goes as C DET /g m thermal noise: goes as C DET /√g m C DET  strip length so lower g m possible allowable bias currents put 0.13 μm devices in W.I. gm  I D with very weak W/L dependence rigorous (complicated) optimisation required (including power) make some simple choices here lets say C DET reduces factor 4, => g m can also reduce factor 4 (so noise slope increases factor 2) choose W/L = 1000/0.24 here and I D = 100μA, -> g m > 2 mA/V (APV25 I/P device gm ~ 8 mA/V) 0.13  m g m vs. W (L=0.12,0.24,0.36,0.48)

20 CMS SLHC tracker, Feb 200720 50/25 nsec is 25 nsec pulse shape possible without changing shaper transistor dimensions? yes - can speed up pulse shape using Isha/vfs only but power penalty C DET isha(50ns)P[  W]isha(25ns)P[  W] 010122024 4.510122530 912153542 13.514175060 50/25 ns pulse shapes for different C DET values

21 CMS SLHC tracker, Feb 200721 50/25ns simulated noise performance 50 nsec shaping 160 + 70/pF 25 nsec shaping 200 + 90/pF ENC [e] Cadded ENC vs, Cadded

22 CMS SLHC tracker, Feb 200722 straw man detector module designs Present CMS Si-strip tracker modules come in many different variants different sensor pitches/shapes, different #’s of FE chips/ module, different mechanical designs What will SLHC Si-strip modules eventually look like? don’t know, but things to consider are how much can be sacrificed for manufacturability bump-bonding is one common theme in above examples Choices here will affect final FE chip design (but maybe not crucial to know the answers now) Sandro Geoff

23 CMS SLHC tracker, Feb 200723 2 nV/√Hz @ 100  A * * from Manghisoni et al, Noise performance of 0.13  m Technologies for detector front-end applications IEEE Trans.Nucl.Sci. Vol.53, no.4,Aug.2006 (2456-2462) W/L = 1000/0.24 noise spectral density measurement

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