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 1700 – 250,000  1770 – 2,000,000  1700 - 19:1 in favor of England  1770 - 3:1 in favor of England.

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Presentation on theme: " 1700 – 250,000  1770 – 2,000,000  1700 - 19:1 in favor of England  1770 - 3:1 in favor of England."— Presentation transcript:

1  1700 – 250,000  1770 – 2,000,000  1700 - 19:1 in favor of England  1770 - 3:1 in favor of England

2  Not homogenous  Less English than ever before (50%)  Growth due to  Immigration 25%  Natural growth 75%

3  Cheap land available  Head right system  Booming Economy  Colonist in better shape than average people in England.

4  Cash crops of tobacco and rice  Land means wealth  Labor intensive  Labor in short supply

5  17 th Century:  Towns parcel out land to individuals  Nearly everyone practices partial inheritance  This creates land shortages  Forces people to the Frontier.  What is the Frontier?

6  18 th century  Colonies began to sell land directly to the individuals  Revenue raising measure.  Now money not community membership brought about land rights.  Settle on individual farms not towns

7  The trade pattern of the British Empire.  England, Africa, North American and the Caribbean are the three points.  Wealth is being accumulated at all three points. (Favored England)

8  What is it?  Where did it happen?  What is the impact on American History?  Who were the major philosophers of the Enlightenment?

9  Social Contract Theory (1690)  Natural Rights of Man  Govt. Exist to protect the Natural Rights of Man?  If govt. becomes tyrannical the people have the right and obligation to revolt.

10  Where do natural or inalienable rights come from?  How do we know?  What are they?  How can they be known?  How can they be protected?

11  What is it?  When did it happen?  What were the themes of the Great Awakening?  What was the impact?  How does religion matter in this?

12  George Whitefield, Jonathan Edwards  Church membership on the rise.  Implied that all were equal before God.  A sense of equality developed among people.  People became willing to challenge authority.

13  1756 –1763  France, Spain, American Indians  Great Britain, Colonies,Prussia, Iroquois.

14  GB receives all of Canada, French lands east of Miss. River.  GB is strongest country in the world.  GB is broke.  GB uses war as an excuse to increase control over the colonies.  Tension between GB and colonies grows.

15  No white settlers West of Appalachian Mts.  GB is trying to avoid Indian Wars.  Increased unrest in the colonies.

16  Colonists must provide food and housing for British troops.  Designed to reduce GB’s expenses.  Invasion of privacy.

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