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Report of the VP Student Events Neha Chandrachud “Top 5 Things I Dislike” Edition.

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1 Report of the VP Student Events Neha Chandrachud “Top 5 Things I Dislike” Edition

2 1. Damp Socks As the result of: water leaking into boots stepping into puddle while wearing socks putting wet feet into warm socks

3 Updates! Homecoming: Tri-sci committee review Homecoming: USC review Formal: Saturday, Nov. 26th, 7:30 PM Events Committee, first meeting Bravery Bunch, Second meeting Continued meetings with USC in regards to artist/performer

4 2. Slow Walkers UWO is not Victoria Park If you are going to walk slowly, do not consume the entire sidewalk Be courteous to those who move at a quicker pace and allow them to pass.

5 Charity Social, TONIGHT Wristbands $5 - include line bypass and free cover before 10:30 PM at JBRs pre-drink at Gianluca’s house: 173 Kent St. for 9:15 PM Please donate!!!

6 Social Sci Ball PROMO VIDEO IS HERE! Ep6JKAU Ep6JKAU Event has been created on Facebook, GO WILD WITH THE VIDEO.

7 3. People who sneez into the Air You have two arms, sneeze into one of them.

8 Social Sci Ball Details: Venue: The Wave Tickets: $25 include full dinner and dance Doors open at 7:30 PM Tickets will be available next week online and through USC Infosource

9 Social Sci Ball Please hype it up to your friends across campus! Events Committee will be coming up with a hype strategy, please let me know if you want to help with this!

10 4.Cats

11 Enviro Commissioner First official meeting! Reviewed terms of reference New ideas: tri-sci sustainability contest, energy audit of SSC. EnviroWeek is going on in the UCC, check it out!

12 5. UWO Email Client the new ‘Corporate directory’ which never works... Can-it Anti Spam, WHO ARE YOU daily “Over Email quota” email. Counter-intuitive.

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