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T EEN S UICIDE American Foundation Suicide Prevention.

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2 T EEN S UICIDE American Foundation Suicide Prevention

3 S UICIDE S TORIES Holly’s Stories George’s Story

4 C AUSES Mental Health Depression Abuse Violence Bullying Divorce of parents Substance abuse Death in family

5 H OW Overdosing Cutting themselves Hanging Jumping from heights With a gun

6 S OLUTION Keep guns unloaded and away from teens Counseling Residential Treatment Medication

7 A MERICAN F OUNDATION FOR SUICIDE PREVENTION Non-profit organization Research and education Formed in 1987 by experts They combined and funded research Formed statistics on male/female suicide changed the education and treatment programs

8 H OW YOU CAN HELP Donate at Pass out yellow ribbon cards Inform people about teen suicide Offer your ear

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