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NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF ARCHITECTURE AND CONSTRUCTION OF ARMENIA Զալցբուրգի սկզբունքների հիման վրա կրթական երրորդ մակարդակի կառուցվածքային զարգացում VERITAS.

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1 NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF ARCHITECTURE AND CONSTRUCTION OF ARMENIA Զալցբուրգի սկզբունքների հիման վրա կրթական երրորդ մակարդակի կառուցվածքային զարգացում VERITAS Structural Development of the Third Cycle Based on Salzburg Principles. June 17, 2014 YEREVAN

2 Some numbers: The history of the National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia started in 1921 and involves today about 4500 students (foreign students - more than 450) and more than 700 employees. National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia

3 EDUCATION Faculties: - Faculty of Architecture - Faculty of Design - Faculty of Construction - Faculty of Management and Technology

4 Education YSUAC offers a three-cycle educational system: - Bachelor with duration of 4 years; - Master with duration of two years - 3 rd level: PhD with duration of three years; “Doctorantura”

5 Internationalization of the University Tempus projects: Previous calls – 6 projects VI call – 5 projects Erasmus Mundus: INFINITY - the 1 st Erasmus Mundus project for YSUAC. YSUAC has the following English programs both in bachelor and Master levels: - Architecture and Design - Construction, Manufacturing of Building Items and Units a) Industrial and Civil Engineering b) Production of Building Units and Structures Website: Interuniversity bilateral cooperation; INTERNATIONAL PROJETCS

6 NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF ARCHITECTURE AND CONSTRUCTION OF ARMENIA Structural Development of the Third Cycle Based on Salzburg Principles. The University organizes international scientific conferences for students, post graduate students and young scientists: The first student conference – May 1-3, 2008, Jermuk Scientific conference for doctorants and postgraduate students, Oct 15-18, 2009, Jermuk The second student conference, May 6-9, 2010, Jermuk The first international conference for doctorants, postgraduate students and young scientists, Aug 14- 22, 2010, Qobuletie, Georgia The second international conference for doctorants, postgraduate students and young scientists, Jul 14- 23, 2012, Qobuletie, Georgia The third student conference, Nov 22-26, 2013, Yerevan 9 International Conferences have been organized by the University with the participation of postgraduate students and doctorants.

7 NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF ARCHITECTURE AND CONSTRUCTION OF ARMENIA Զալցբուրգի սկզբունքների հիման վրա կրթական երրորդ մակարդակի կառուցվածքային զարգացում THE UNIVERSITY’S INTERNATIONAL ACTIVITY INCLUDES: - Training and retraining of specialists for foreign countries, supervision of research themes of postgraduate students, organization of thesis defense; - Exchange of students, faculty, and experts; - Training of faculty abroad; - Faculty business trips to foreign countries for different time periods; - Implementation of research projects jointly with foreign researchers; - Organization and participation in international conferences and seminars; - Participation in international contests; - Activities aimed at mutual recognition of diplomas; - Cooperation in sports and cultural programs; - Participation in international education and research grant projects.

8 NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF ARCHITECTURE AND CONSTRUCTION OF ARMENIA Զալցբուրգի սկզբունքների հիման վրա կրթական երրորդ մակարդակի կառուցվածքային զարգացում Internationalization of the University: The internationalization of higher education will help prepare our learners, whether going abroad or staying in Armenia, to live in a global world, increasing their experience and knowledge, employability, productivity and earning power.

9 Elements of Internationalization University climate and activities University climate and activities Curriculum Curriculum Faculty research Faculty research International faculty and staff International faculty and staff Incoming international students Incoming international students Outgoing domestic students Outgoing domestic students

10 NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF ARCHITECTURE AND CONSTRUCTION OF ARMENIA Զալցբուրգի սկզբունքների հիման վրա կրթական երրորդ մակարդակի կառուցվածքային զարգացում The effective strategies should be implemented by the University for its internationalization. The University must: - increase its attractiveness; - actively promote international mobility of students and staff; - provide world-class innovative curricula; - provide excellence in teaching and research opportunities; - enter into cooperation and strategic partnership with other HEIs, government institutions, the private sector and civil society around the world (taking into account of Armenians’ “mobility”); - make a stronger contribution to economic growth by encouraging innovation and ensuring that higher education responds to labour market needs;

11 NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF ARCHITECTURE AND CONSTRUCTION OF ARMENIA Զալցբուրգի սկզբունքների հիման վրա կրթական երրորդ մակարդակի կառուցվածքային զարգացում Effective strategies should also include: - the development of international curricula - strategic partnership; - finding new ways of delivering content; - ensuring complementarity with broader national policies for external cooperation, international development, migration, trade, employment, regional development, research and innovation.

12 NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF ARCHITECTURE AND CONSTRUCTION OF ARMENIA Զալցբուրգի սկզբունքների հիման վրա կրթական երրորդ մակարդակի կառուցվածքային զարգացում A comprehensive internationalization strategy should cover key areas grouped into the following three categories: 1.International student and staff mobility; 2.The internationalization and improvement of curricula and digital learning; 3.Strategic cooperation, partnerships and capacity building.


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