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Armenia 2010 National Energy Balance and Proposed Energy Balance System USAID EC-LEDS Program Dr. Robert BAUMGARTNER Dr. Besim ISLAMI Tetra Tech Yerevan,

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Presentation on theme: "Armenia 2010 National Energy Balance and Proposed Energy Balance System USAID EC-LEDS Program Dr. Robert BAUMGARTNER Dr. Besim ISLAMI Tetra Tech Yerevan,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Armenia 2010 National Energy Balance and Proposed Energy Balance System USAID EC-LEDS Program Dr. Robert BAUMGARTNER Dr. Besim ISLAMI Tetra Tech Yerevan, Armenia November 30, 2012

2 Meeting Agenda 2 1.Welcome and introductions 2.Review of action items from last Working Group Meeting 3.Review of the Draft 2010 Armenia Energy Balance and preliminary analysis 4.Overview of Draft Plan for MENR for preparation of an annual Energy Balance for Armenia 5.Discussion and Questions

3 3 Next Steps from October Working Group Meeting 1) Complete the 2010 Energy Balance by year-end 2) Prepare a “road map” for an Energy Balance System for MENR to present to the RA Prime Minister 3)Discuss requirements for assistance in preparing data collection templates, methodologies, and procedures for obtaining Energy Balance data. 4)Discuss requirements for an improved legal and institutional framework for an Energy Balance that meets Eurostat/IEA standards

4 Energy Balance Task 4 USAID/Tetra Tech work plan specifies preparation of a National Energy Balance, in accord with Eurostat/IEA Working Group requested the Energy Balance for 2010 to assist with Third National Communication (TNC) Preparation of the 2010 Energy Balance was conducted in 4 training sessions with MENR, NSS, and SRIE staff 2010 Energy Balance is the baseline for Armenia and will provide inputs for the TNC, GHG Inventory, energy strategy and policy, and the basis for developing NEEAP and NREAP and reporting to EU Energy Community

5 5 2010 Armenia Energy Balance

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7 7 2010 Armenia Energy Balance -1-

8 8 2010 Armenia Energy Balance – 2 -

9 9 2010 Armenia Energy Balance – 3 -

10 10 2010 Armenia Energy Balance – 3 -

11 11 2010 Armenia Energy Balance – 4-

12 12 2010 Armenia Energy Balance – 5-

13 13 2010 Armenia Energy Balance – 6 -

14 14 2010 Armenia Energy Balance Preliminary Analysis – 1-

15 15 2010 Armenia Energy Balance Preliminary Analysis – 2-

16 16 2010 Armenia Energy Balance Preliminary Analysis – 3-

17 17 2010 Armenia Energy Balance Preliminary Analysis – 4 -

18 18 2010 Armenia Energy Balance Preliminary Analysis – 5-

19 19 2010 Armenia Energy Balance Preliminary Analysis – 6-

20 Energy Balance System 20 Preparation of the 2010 National Energy Balance identified the need for a data collection system and the areas where additional data is required As requested by MENR, Tetra Tech prepared a process map and description of a system for preparation of annual National Energy Balance The System is a preliminary document, designed for discussion and review with the Working Group. Based on experience in other countries The Roadmap will be available for MENR to use in meeting with the RA Government in December

21 21 Governing Principles for Energy Balance System Three organizations should have primary roles:  MENR should be the institution with primary responsibility for preparation of the National Energy Balance. o SRIE should serve as the technical body for MENR to collect administrative data, analyze data, and prepare the Energy Balance  NSS should collect survey data required from Armenian Institutions, Companies, and Citizens o NSS should publish the National Energy Balance as official data for Armenia

22 22 Important Features of the Energy Balance System Preparation of the 2010 National Energy Balance identified the need for 15 separate data collection templates, including two “new” surveys that need to be designed  Most templates will be a form with instructions on how, when, and to whom to provide data  It is more cost-effective to add the necessary questions to existing surveys than to design new surveys  A new survey is required for data on private & commercial road vehicle characteristics and use data  An expanded Enterprise survey is required for energy data on the Service sector – public and private entities

23 23 Road Map Armenia Energy Balance -1-

24 24 Road Map Armenia Energy Balance -2-

25 25 Road Map Armenia Energy Balance -3-

26 26 Road Map Armenia Energy Balance -4-

27 27 Road Map Armenia Energy Balance -5-

28 28 Road Map Armenia Energy Balance -6-

29 29 Road Map Armenia Energy Balance -7-

30 30 The Big Question About the Energy Balance System How will the additional costs for MENR, NSS, and SRIE be covered? The Energy Balance System can be presented to the RA Gov’t. as a package, with benefits and costs o Energy Balance is increasingly important to Armenia as an Energy Community observer MENR will meet with RA Gov’t. in December USAID will convey the importance of human resources and financial support to the RA Government to ensure the Energy Balance System is sustainable

31 31 Armenia Energy Balance System Discussion and Questions

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