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God Favored, 1:2 “Grace is free sovereign favor to the ill- deserving.” 1 Tim.1:13-14 Triple emphasis (1:6, 12, 14) Result: peace, 1:2 – Blessed us Blessed.

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Presentation on theme: "God Favored, 1:2 “Grace is free sovereign favor to the ill- deserving.” 1 Tim.1:13-14 Triple emphasis (1:6, 12, 14) Result: peace, 1:2 – Blessed us Blessed."— Presentation transcript:

1 God Favored, 1:2 “Grace is free sovereign favor to the ill- deserving.” 1 Tim.1:13-14 Triple emphasis (1:6, 12, 14) Result: peace, 1:2 – Blessed us Blessed us, 1:6 Saved us Saved us, 2:5 Who? 2:14 What? 2:15 How? 2:17

2 Gal.3: 26, you are…in Christ for 27, for you were baptized God Blessed (in Christ) 1:3 Physical blessings on all, Ac.14:17 Spiritual blessings, Ro.15:27 Every spiritual blessing: total, whole “In Him” (35x) Ep.1:3, 6-7, 9-13

3 God chose, 1:4 (1/2) He had chosen Israel, Dt.7:6-7; Ac.13:17 Jesus was His chosen One, Lk.9:35 God chose apostles, Ac.1:24 (Lk.6:13) –He chose ‘us’ –He chose us ‘in Him’ –He chose us…‘before foundation of world’ –He chose us ‘to be holy and w/o blame before Him’

4 God chose, 1:4 (2/2) Chosen “In Him” Many invited, few kept Mt.22 Make sure calling & election 2 Pt.1:10

5 God predestined, 1:5 1/2 “The act whereby God is believed to have foreordained all things” “Relegation of all souls either to salvation or to damnation by this act” “The doctrine that God has foreor- dained all things, esp. the salvation of individual souls” – Webster –“Calvinism: God chooses the believer” –“Arminianism: believer chooses God”

6 God predestined, 1:5 2/2 “Decide beforehand, predetermine” Ro.8:29, to be conformed to Son Ro.8:30, if predestined, called (2 Th.2) Ac.4:28, to do what God had planned Ep.1:5, for adoption as sons… –Ga.3:26-27; 4:1-7 Ep.1:4, that we should be holy… –God wants all saved (1 Tim.2:4; 2 Pt.3:9) –God is impartial (Lk.24:47; Ac.10:34-35)

7 God Forgives, 1:7 To remove the guilt resulting from wrongdoing—to pardon. Ro.6:23 What? Blood Mt.26:28 When? Baptism Ac.2:38 “for the forgiveness of sins” God left us to our devices to show our need (v.10)

8 God Sealed, 1:13 “We were the first to hope” (12): Jews “You also…were sealed”: Gentiles Acts 2 H. S. baptism (Jews) Acts 10 H. S. baptism (Gentiles) “No difference” (Ac.15:8-9) No one can preach “Jews only” (Ac.11) Ro.8:14-17 “No difference” (Ac.15:8-9) No one can preach “Jews only” (Ac.11) Ro.8:14-17

9 Saints, Faithful, Favored, Blessed, Chosen, W/o blemish, Predestined, Adopted, Redeemed, Forgiven, Sealed 1. Describe people who are the church –W/o blemish, 1:4 = 5:27 2. Lord’s church: inclusive / exclusive –Rv.22:17 –Ac.5; 1 Co.5; Rv.2-3 3. God adds saved to His church, Ac.2

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