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Emotions. Journal An alien has just landed in your backyard. You decide to adopt the alien but the alien is a little confused about human behavior, specifically.

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Presentation on theme: "Emotions. Journal An alien has just landed in your backyard. You decide to adopt the alien but the alien is a little confused about human behavior, specifically."— Presentation transcript:

1 Emotions

2 Journal An alien has just landed in your backyard. You decide to adopt the alien but the alien is a little confused about human behavior, specifically emotions. 1. How would you describe/define emotions to the alien? 2. How would you describe happiness? (What human gestures mean someone is happy?) 3. How would you describe sadness? (What human gestures mean someone is sad?) 4. How would you describe gratitude (thanking someone)? (What human gestures mean “thank you”?) 5. How would you describe anger? (What human gestures mean someone is angry?)

3 Emotions are feelings created in response to thoughts, remarks, and events. Emotions can influence most aspects of your life, including how you behave. Emotions are neither good or bad, right or wrong. People with good mental and emotional health seek healthy, responsible ways to express their emotions. Pg. 27

4 You need to recognize emotions that you experience in order to deal with them. Happiness Sadness Fear Anger Love Empathy Sympathy Anxiety Jealousy Pg. 27

5 Learning to understand emotions and to express them in healthy ways is an important part of good mental and emotional health. Pg. 28

6 Anxiety can help you accomplish tasks by releasing energy. Too much anxiety and fear can cause panic. Overcoming your anxiety will help build your resilience, or “bounce-back” factor. Pg. 28

7 Journal Scenario You are searching in your room for your IPOD but can’t find it. You go down to the kitchen to get a snack and when you come back, you find your IPOD laying on your bed with a huge crack. You try to use it but it doesn’t work. You find out that your sibling borrowed your IPOD without asking and he/she was the one that broke it. How do you react? (2-3 sentences)

8 Expressing Anger It is normal to feel angry at times. Try these steps when you feel angry. 1. Exercise self-control. 2. Focus on exactly what made you angry. 3. Think of words to communicate your feelings. 4. Calmly tell the other person how you feel and what action has caused you to feel this way. 5. Tell the person what you expect from him or her in the future. Pg. 28

9 Everyone has emotional needs, or needs that affect your feelings and sense of well- being. The basic emotional needs are: -The need to feel worthwhile. -The need to love and be loved. -The need to belong. Pg. 29

10 Meeting your emotional needs in healthy ways means making the choice to engage in healthful behavior and abstain from unhealthful behavior. Caring and affection can be shown in positive ways, such as getting to know the person better and sharing everyday experiences. Pg. 29

11 Complete the Parent Interview, page 39 workbook. Answers need to be on a separate piece of paper. Parent needs to sign at the bottom of your paper. DUE: Monday 9/19 1. Get out a piece of paper. 2.At the top, write the following: Parent Interview Due Monday 9/19. Quick Write + Interview + Reflection Questions 3. At the very bottom draw an X and a line behind it.

12 Complete the Self-Assessment of Anger Worksheet, pgs. 30-31. Answer each question with 2-3 sentences. After you complete the Anger Assessment, work on your Personality Square. You can also answer the Quick Write questions for the Parent Interview Assignment.

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