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C OMMUNICATION. C OMMUNICATION S TYLES : 1. There is no right or wrong communication style. 2. Important to know your communication style, but MOST IMPORTANT.

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Presentation on theme: "C OMMUNICATION. C OMMUNICATION S TYLES : 1. There is no right or wrong communication style. 2. Important to know your communication style, but MOST IMPORTANT."— Presentation transcript:


2 C OMMUNICATION S TYLES : 1. There is no right or wrong communication style. 2. Important to know your communication style, but MOST IMPORTANT to know the communication style of the person you are dealing with. 3. In different situations, we may change our communication style.

3 4. The way one sends messages of acceptance, affection, and appreciation. 5. Your communication style comes from either a reflection of or reaction to your home life.

4 Take the Communication Styles quiz.

5 T OUCH ORIENTED PERSON The touch oriented person takes a bad rap because all too often touching implies a sexual connotation. In fact, most touching is non-sexual in nature. Touch can comfort, show appreciation, show approval, give encouragement, be reassuring, give confidence, show empathy, and many other emotions.

6 H OW TO RELATE TO THE T OUCH O RIENTED P ERSON : ●Touch discreetly while passing ●When giving a gift or receiving one, give a hug and kiss ●Always hug and kiss when you leave or come to each other ●Hold hands at home or when on a walk ●Sit next to your mate in public Case Study #1

7 V ERBALLY ORIENTED P ERSON Loves the heart-to-heart talk. Enjoys talking on the phone and visiting people Enjoys compliments more than gifts or hugs. Enjoy being around listeners.

8 H OW TO RELATE TO THE V ERBALLY O RIENTED P ERSON : Practice active listening Make phone calls often Send notes and/or poems Have heart-to-heart talks Give sincere compliments Occasionally ask, “Do you need to talk” Say, “I love you” Set aside a time to talk each day Go on a weekly date so that the two of you can talk Case Study #2

9 T ASK O RIENTED P ERSON : Makes lists, establishes a budget, appointment book Great expectations…great frustrations Perfectionist or is frustrated because he is not a perfectionist. Feelings are centered in things, not people Tries to do too many things Gets carried away with doing Sets himself/herself up for stress and pressure

10 H OW TO R ELATE TO THE T ASK O RIENTED P ERSON : Have a clean house Be thrifty with money Have lunch ready Have clothes clean and ironed Be dependable and on time Work side-by-side on projects Do something special-bake a cake, wash the car Have dinner ready at a certain time each night

11 C ONCLUSION : Greatest human need=ACCEPTANCE. The question “Do you love me?” translates to “Do you accept me? In spite of all my fears and faults will you stay with me? If I am totally revealed to you, all my good and all my bad, can I trust you to love me and care for me?” By knowing their communication style (love language), you can communicate this complete kind of acceptance to your loved ones.


13 D ECODING THE M ESSAGES TermSymbol Description Words ATouchHandHugging Holding hands Physically close BVerbal Ear and Mouth Sharing feelings Listening, Heart to Heart talks, caring words. CTaskEyeAchievement Accomplishments, hard work, status, things

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