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REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA Department of Agriculture STRATEGY PLAN 2008/9 – 2010/11 Portfolio Committee 12 March 2008 By Masiphula Mbongwa Director General.

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Presentation on theme: "REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA Department of Agriculture STRATEGY PLAN 2008/9 – 2010/11 Portfolio Committee 12 March 2008 By Masiphula Mbongwa Director General."— Presentation transcript:

1 REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA Department of Agriculture STRATEGY PLAN 2008/9 – 2010/11 Portfolio Committee 12 March 2008 By Masiphula Mbongwa Director General Department of Agriculture

2 AGRICULTURE REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA PRESENTATION OUTLINE  Overview  Programme 1  Programme 2  Programme 3  Programme 4  Programme 5  Vote 23: Estimate of National Expenditure 2008/09  Conclusion

3 AGRICULTURE REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA  The Strategic Plan 2008/09 - 2010/11 addresses intergovernmental coordination as raised by this Committee last year  It outlines our implementation plans with specific emphasis leadership alignment with the DLA and all sector stakeholders in Apex Project 7; the Land and Agrarian Reform Project (LARP)  Land Bank, CASP and MAFISA were extensively addressed recently  Other issues raised last year e.g. drought relief, will be addressed by the relevant line function.  The sector will be operating in an environment of low commodity stocks and high demand and food and agricultural prices globally  The Strategic Plan outlines our businesses philosophy and approach for the coming five years aligned to our Strategic Objectives  It outlines funding and work priorities for all programmes for the MTEF cycle  Lastly, it contains annual performance plans with specific deliverables per quarter 1. Overview

4 AGRICULTURE REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA Apex Project 7 on land and agrarian reform (LARP)  Concentrate on focus areas (farm dwellers, corridors, commodities and others)  Aligned comprehensive support  Cooperative government (joint planning, budgeting, approval and implementation)  Full use of partnerships for delivery  Decentralised decisions and implementation to lowest practical level  Success and sustainability of individual settlement projects will be the measure of success of LARP 1. Overview

5 AGRICULTURE REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA LARP Governance:  LARP is a joint programme in terms of the Intergovernmental Relations Framework Act and NIFAL accountable for LARP.  Minister and MECs are political champions for LARP  Two governance arms: standards (ITCAL SCs) and implementation (Provincial Forums and District Committees)  Work will be undertaken jointly in terms of an Integrated annual work plan (PDA/PLRO; PGDS; IDPs and others)  Advocacy for additional resourcing for jointly developed priorities for the different LARP pillars will be undertaken through ITCAL Standing Committees and the 4x4 joint budget committee.  All relevant stakeholders are to be represented in LARP Provincial and District institutions  LARP will have a dedicated National Project Manager and staff responsible for coordination, implementation guidance, oversight and alignment 1. Overview

6 AGRICULTURE REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA Apex Priority 7 (LARP)  Redistribute 5 million hectares of white-owned agricultural land to 10 000 new agricultural producers  Increase Black entrepreneurs in the agribusiness industry by 10 %  Provide universal access to agricultural support services to the target groups  Increase agricultural production by 10-15% for the target groups, under the LETSEMA-ILIMA Campaign  Increase agricultural trade by 10-15% for the target groups In addition, together with provincial departments of Agriculture we further added the following to our joint Land and Agriculture Programme of Action:  Biosecurity  Governance 1. Overview

7 AGRICULTURE REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA The Departmental Strategic Objectives are: oEnsure availability and access to sufficient safe and nutritious food oEliminate skewed participation and inequity in the sector oIncrease growth, income and remunerative job opportunities in agriculture oEnhance the sustainable management and efficient use of natural agricultural resources and production inputs oEnsure efficient and effective governance and partnerships oEnsure knowledge and information management oEnsure national biosecurity and effective risk management 1. Overview (continued)

8 AGRICULTURE REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA Programme 1: Administration by DG

9 AGRICULTURE REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA PURPOSE The programme provides the DoA with strategic leadership and management, as well as overall administrative and performance oversight, including managing returns on resource investments. COMPONENTS of the PROGRAMME  Director – General’s Office  Chief Operating Office  Chief Financial Office  Chief Programmes Office  Chief Communications Office  Internal Audit Office In addition, these offices give support to the four budgetary programmes namely; Livelihoods, economics and Business Development; Biosecurity and Disaster Management; Production and Resource Management; and Sector Services and Partnerships Programme 1: Administration

10 AGRICULTURE REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA Programme 2: Livelihoods, Economics and Business Development (LEBD) by Sam Malatji

11 AGRICULTURE REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA Programme 2: LEBD PURPOSE  Develop and facilitate the implementation of appropriate policies and targeted programmes aimed at promoting equitable access to the agricultural sector,  promote shared growth and the commercial viability of emerging farmers and ensure household food security.  Facilitate market access for South African agricultural products nationally and internationally, promote BEE in the agricultural sector, provide economic and statistical services to support economic growth and development and monitor the economic performance of the sector.

12 AGRICULTURE REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA Programme 2: LEBD COMPONENTS of the PROGRAMME  Livelihoods Development Support facilitates the provision of post- settlement support to emerging farmers, agricultural development finance, promotion of farmer co-operatives and village banks as well as food security through policies, norms, legislation, programmes and information.  Trade (Marketing) and Business Development facilitates international and domestic market access for South African agricultural products and promotes BEE in the sector. It also interacts with the NAMC.  Economic and Statistical Services provides for the collection and analysis of agricultural statistics, monitors and evaluates the economic performance of the sector and produces quarterly reports on sector trends. It also interacts with Statistics South Africa.

13 AGRICULTURE REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA Programme 2: LEBD Key Result Area and Measurable Objective:  To improve emerging farmers’ access to, and sustained participation in agriculture, and to improve food security in the medium term, by providing improved opportunities and more equitable access, in order to maximise growth and employment in the sector.

14 AGRICULTURE REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA Sub programme OutputMeasure/IndicatorTarget Livelihoods Development Support Improved livelihoods of emerging farmers/ households/ entrepreneurs Number of farmers and/or entrepreneurs gaining access to financial services; and number of member- based financial Institutions linked to financial markets Increased number of sustainable land and agrarian reform projects/beneficiaries Number of vulnerable households and emerging farmer groups supported by means of agricultural starter packs. 7 000 farmers and/ or entrepreneurs gaining access to financial services 80 000 land and agrarian reform beneficiaries. 70 000 households Programme 2: LEBD

15 AGRICULTURE REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA Sub programme OutputMeasure/IndicatorTarget Trade and Business Development Equitable participation in trade, marketing and business development Number of farmers and entrepreneurs Sector specific strategies incorporating broad-based BEE Number of interventions and support frameworks established 1100 farmers trained 100 entrepreneurs facilitated 3 commodity 8 Economic and Statistical Services Report on the economic performance of the sector Number and range of reports published Publish 16 economic reviews, 8 topical reports and 6 statistical reports by March 2009 Programme 2: LEBD

16 AGRICULTURE REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA Planned Expenditure : LEBD  Livelihood Development Support: R744 783 000  Trade and Business development: R110 341 000  Economic and Statistical Services R 22 187 000  National Agriculture Marketing R 22 459 000

17 AGRICULTURE REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA Programme 3: Biosecurity and Disaster Management (BDM) by Dr Kgabi Mogajane

18 AGRICULTURE REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA Programme 3: DBM PURPOSE  To manage the risks associated with animal diseases, plant pests, genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and registration of products used in the agricultural field. This is done to ensure food safety and security and safeguard human health.  It also develops the agricultural risk and disaster management plans to reduce risks associated with natural disasters.  COMPONENTS of the PROGRAMME  Plant Health and Inspection Services develops policies and systems to manage risks associated with plant pests and diseases, genetically modified organisms, promote trade of products of plant origin and the movement of regulated articles and products. It also ensures good quality control of regulated products.  Food, Animal Health and Disaster Management manages and reduces risks associated with animal diseases, promotes trade of products of animal origin, ensures food safety and developing agricultural risk and disaster management strategies.

19 AGRICULTURE REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA Programme 3: DBM KEY RESULT AREA and MEASURABLE OBJECTIVE  Reduce the incidence of animal and plant diseases and pests and ensure food safety,  compliance with international and national norms and standards, and  disaster management measures through improved risk management systems.

20 AGRICULTURE REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA Programme 3: DBM SUB PROGRAM ME OUTPUTMEASURE/INDICATORTARGET Plant Health and Inspection Services Biosafety regulatory guidelines Approved guidelines for the appeal process in terms of GMOs Act March 2009 Border control inspection training manual SAQA accredited border control inspection training manual March 2009 Plant Protection Bill Approved plant health policyMarch 2009

21 AGRICULTURE REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA Programme 3: DBM SUB PROGRAMME OUTPUTMEASURE/INDICATORTARGET Food, Animal Health and Disaster Management Food Safety/ Control Strategy Approved strategy for the food safety system for South Africa March 2009 Agricultural climate change sector plan Approved agricultural climate change sector plan March 2009 Primary Animal Health Care Programme Approved Primary Animal Health Care Programme March 2009

22 AGRICULTURE REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA Planned Expenditure : BDM  Plant Health and Inspection Services: R169 737 000  Food, Animal Health an Disaster Management: R139 957 000

23 AGRICULTURE REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA Programme 4: Production and Resources Management (PRM) by Dr Sizwe Mkhize

24 AGRICULTURE REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA Programme 4: PRM PURPOSE Identify opportunities and develop strategies in order to optimise agricultural productivity and profitability within the agricultural sector through sustainable use and protection of land and water resources. COMPONENTS of the PROGRAMME  Agricultural Production facilitates improvements in agricultural productivity with the emphasis on sustainable animal, aquaculture and plant production systems and administers the Plant Improvement Act, 1976; Plant Breeders’ Rights Act, 1976; and the Animal Improvement Act, 1998  Engineering Services and Resources Management facilitates the development of agricultural infrastructure and use of agricultural resources. This also includes auditing of natural resources, controlling migratory pests, rehabilitation and protection of agricultural land and promotion of the community-based LandCare Programme.

25 AGRICULTURE REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA Programme 4: PRM KEY RESULT AREAS and MEASURABLE OBJECTIVE Improve the efficiency of agricultural production for livestock, fisheries and crops, area-wide planning, mechanisation, irrigation development and the enhancement, conservation and rehabilitation of degraded natural agricultural resources.

26 AGRICULTURE REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA Programme 4: PRM Sub programme OutputMeasure/ Indicator Target Agricultural Production Crop and livestock massification Community gene banks Animal Breeding Support Programme Community seed production scheme 2 gene banks established 500 breeding materials distributed 3 schemes established Engineering Services and Resource Management Natural resources management and enhancement Agricultural Mechanisation Programme Land Use Planning and Zoning Programme Guidelines for irrigation development 200 power hoes distributed 3 Local municipalities zoned 100 000 ha established/rehabilita ted

27 AGRICULTURE REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA Planned Expenditure : PRM  Agricultural Production: R56 729 000  Engineering Services and Resources Management: R201 290 000

28 AGRICULTURE REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA Special Projects / Highlights: PRM  Agricultural Production: -Animal Massification Programme -Plant Massification Programme -Biofuels Feedstock Production Programme  Engineering Services and Resources Management: -Rehabilitation of Degraded Lands -Revitalization of Irrigation Schemes -Area-wide Planning

29 AGRICULTURE REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA Programme 5: Sector Services and Partnerships (SSP) by Vangile Titi

30 AGRICULTURE REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA PURPOSE Manage and co-ordinate intergovernmental stakeholders and international relations, agricultural education and training, extension and advisory services as well as research and technology development. COMPONENTS of the PROGRAMME  Sector Services: Directs and supports agricultural education, training, extension, research and advisory services in support of targeted groups. It also manages the transfer of funds to the ARC.  International, Intergovernmental and Stakeholder Relations: Provides leadership and co-ordination in all facets of international relations within agriculture and creates an enabling environment for constructive relations among all stakeholders. Programme 5: SSP

31 AGRICULTURE REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA KEY RESULT AREAS and MEASURABLE OBJECTIVE Maximising growth in the sector by providing support services to emerging and established farmers including women, youth and the disabled through targeted skills development, extension and technology development programmes. Programme 5: SSP

32 AGRICULTURE REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA Programme 5: SSP SUB PROGRAMME OUTPUTMEASURE/ INDICATOR TARGET Sector Services Training, research and extension support programmes Number of black entrepreneurs receiving targeted training, research and extension support 3 000 black entrepreneurs receiving targeted training, research and extension support by March 2009 Norms and standards for agricultural training institutions Adoption of the norms and standards by sector partners By June 2008 National Research Agenda An approved agendaBy March 2009

33 AGRICULTURE REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA Programme 5: SSP SUB PROGRAMME OUTPUTMEASURE/ INDICATOR TARGET International, Intergovernme ntal and Stakeholder Relations Structured partnerships with local and international stakeholders in support of black entrepreneurs Number of structured partnerships approved and implemented By March 2009 Strategy on engagement with national and international public and private sector stakeholders Approved strategy document By June 2008

34 AGRICULTURE REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA Planned Expenditure : SSP  Sector Services: R 188 264 000  International, Intergovernmental and Stakeholder Relations: R 55 730 000  Agriculture Research Council R 514 556 000


36 AGRICULTURE REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA ENE ALLOCATION: 2008/09 R’000 R’000 MTEF allocation 1 901 069 Plus: LandCare 48 969 CASP 434 9182 384 956 Plus: Salary adjustments 13 023 Inflation 14 552 Accommodation charges 3 150 Import/export inspections 30 000 Extension/advisory services 100 000 160 725 2 545 681 Less: Baseline efficiency saving 15 000 Plus: Functional shift 3 990 TOTAL APPROPRIATION2 534 671

37 AGRICULTURE REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA SUMMARY PER PROGRAMME 2007/082008/09 % R’000R’000 Administration 283 335300 364 6,0 Livelihoods, economics and business development 886 951901 814 1,7 Bio-security and disaster management 243 611311 721 28,0 Production and resources management 247 780 259 900 4,9 Sector services and part- nerships 619 489 760 872 22,8 Total 2 281 166 2 534 671 11,1

38 AGRICULTURE REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA SUMMARY PER ECONOMIC CLASSIFICATION 2007/08 2008/09 % R’000 R’000 Compensation of employees 500 191 585 811 17,1 Goods and services 421 216 435 974 3,5 Transfers and subsidies 1 308 824 1 473 338 12,6 Payments of capital assets 50 935 39 548 (22,4) Total 2 281 166 2 534 671 11,1




42 AGRICULTURE REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA 8. Conclusion Challenges facing the Department are many and varied. -High global including local demand for food and agriculture produce -Low global and especially local productions as against the high demands -Bio-fuels taking up reserves of crops like maize -Changing climate However, we are confident that— with the policies, strategies and programmes that we have developed and will be vigorously implemented - we will ultimately succeed in realising our vision of a united and prosperous agricultural sector. END


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