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Recognition and Inclusion I.N.T.O. Survey 2008. I.N.T.O. Survey 2008. 750 members R.O.I. 180 N.I. Response 43% 12 Teachers R.O.I. 6 Teachers N Irl. 750.

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Presentation on theme: "Recognition and Inclusion I.N.T.O. Survey 2008. I.N.T.O. Survey 2008. 750 members R.O.I. 180 N.I. Response 43% 12 Teachers R.O.I. 6 Teachers N Irl. 750."— Presentation transcript:

1 Recognition and Inclusion I.N.T.O. Survey 2008. I.N.T.O. Survey 2008. 750 members R.O.I. 180 N.I. Response 43% 12 Teachers R.O.I. 6 Teachers N Irl. 750 members R.O.I. 180 N.I. Response 43% 12 Teachers R.O.I. 6 Teachers N Irl. No clear reason for Difference. No clear reason for Difference. Majority of cases Employer did not know. Majority of cases Employer did not know.

2 Nature of Disabilities. Depression /anxiety Depression /anxiety Hearing Impairment Hearing Impairment Arthritic Conditions. Arthritic Conditions. A range of injuries and illnesses. A range of injuries and illnesses.

3 Impact of Disability. Need to take time Off work. Need to take time Off work. A reluctance to seek promotion. A reluctance to seek promotion. Limited choice of Teaching duties. Limited choice of Teaching duties. Restrictions on social Interactions. Restrictions on social Interactions. All but 2 acquired their disability in course of Career. All but 2 acquired their disability in course of Career. 15 out of 18 stated they wished to continue in their Career 15 out of 18 stated they wished to continue in their Career

4 Key Principals Underpinning Duty To Accommodate. Respect for Dignity Of Person with Disability. Respect for Dignity Of Person with Disability. Indivualisation Must be considered Assessed and Accommodated individually Indivualisation Must be considered Assessed and Accommodated individually Right of Persons to integrate and Participate Right of Persons to integrate and Participate Requires Inclusive design of facilities Programme policies Procedures and barrier removal. Requires Inclusive design of facilities Programme policies Procedures and barrier removal. Successful Accommodation is shared by all. Successful Accommodation is shared by all.

5 Equality Legislation. Employment Equality Act Equal Status Act Prohibits discrimination on 9 grounds. Employment Equality Act Equal Status Act Prohibits discrimination on 9 grounds. Disability Marital Status and Sexual Orientation are 3 0f these grounds. Disability Marital Status and Sexual Orientation are 3 0f these grounds. Under Equal Status Act Service Providers (Schools) have certain obligations to meet the needs of individuals with Disabilities. Under Equal Status Act Service Providers (Schools) have certain obligations to meet the needs of individuals with Disabilities.

6 Employee Entitlements To have access to employment To have access to employment To participate or advance in employment. To participate or advance in employment. To undergo training. To undergo training. Reasonable accommodation Unless the measures would impose a disproportionate burden on the employer. Reasonable accommodation Unless the measures would impose a disproportionate burden on the employer.

7 Employer Obligations Nominal Cost Factors Nominal Cost Factors The financial and other costs. The financial and other costs. The scale and financial resources of the employers business. The scale and financial resources of the employers business. The possibility of obtaining public funding The possibility of obtaining public funding or other grant assistance. or other grant assistance.

8 Obligations / Cont Practical measures to adapt the employees place of work to the disability concerned. Practical measures to adapt the employees place of work to the disability concerned. Adaptation of premises and equipment Adaptation of premises and equipment Patterns of working time Patterns of working time Distribution of tasks Distribution of tasks Provision of training or integration of resources Provision of training or integration of resources Does not include any treatment facility or thing that person can provide for himself/herself. Does not include any treatment facility or thing that person can provide for himself/herself.

9 Awareness Raising Measures. Significant development of case law on disability ground at Equality Tribunal since 2000 due to Equality Legislation. Significant development of case law on disability ground at Equality Tribunal since 2000 due to Equality Legislation. The Disability Discrimination Act 1995 N.Irl.allows claims for Discrimination Victimisation and reasonable adjustments to be brought to an industrial tribunal The Disability Discrimination Act 1995 N.Irl.allows claims for Discrimination Victimisation and reasonable adjustments to be brought to an industrial tribunal Circular 0099/2008 For Occupational Health Services for Teachers in R.O.I.has recognised that reasonable accommodation applies to Teachers and Schools... Circular 0099/2008 For Occupational Health Services for Teachers in R.O.I.has recognised that reasonable accommodation applies to Teachers and Schools...

10 Awareness Measures. Civil Service has 3% of Employment quota for Persons with Disabilities. Civil Service has 3% of Employment quota for Persons with Disabilities. Medmark able to recommend adjustments which would enable Teachers to continue working or return to work provided the Employer responds in a positive manner. Medmark able to recommend adjustments which would enable Teachers to continue working or return to work provided the Employer responds in a positive manner.

11 Responsibilities To Accommodate Process. Inform your Employer what your disability related needs are. Inform your Employer what your disability related needs are. Provide supporting information including Medical or expert opinion. Provide supporting information including Medical or expert opinion. Participate in exploring in an Active way possible solutions to meet individual needs. Participate in exploring in an Active way possible solutions to meet individual needs. Employer should accept request in good faith. Employer should accept request in good faith. Deal with it as quickly as possible maximising confidentiality. Deal with it as quickly as possible maximising confidentiality. Be prepared to think of temporary solutions until long term process is in place. Be prepared to think of temporary solutions until long term process is in place.


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