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Sigmund Freud The First Armchair Psychiatrist. Why does he matter?  Freud is the first major theorist of Psychology - he began the movement that viewed.

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Presentation on theme: "Sigmund Freud The First Armchair Psychiatrist. Why does he matter?  Freud is the first major theorist of Psychology - he began the movement that viewed."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sigmund Freud The First Armchair Psychiatrist


3 Why does he matter?  Freud is the first major theorist of Psychology - he began the movement that viewed the unconscious mind as the source of all behavior  Theories are most significantly applied to PERSONALITY.

4 What is the Unconscious mind?  We cannot knowingly connect to it = REPRESSION  It only comes out when we are not conscious (e.g. dreams), or by accident - like a reaction (e.g. Freudian slip)  The unconscious mind is responsible for our behavior without us realizing it.


6 So?  If you are to cure anyone you need to go through the unconscious mind

7 How do you get at the unconscious mind?  Free association - patient responds to a prompt  Dream analysis - dreams are unconscious urges so try to understand them

8 Where does personality come from?  For Freud, personality is the result of our efforts to resolve the conflict between our biological impulses and social restraints against them.

9 How do things fit together?  Mind is theoretically composed of several parts: id, ego, superego  Id  Ego  Superego  Our Psyche Our Psyche


11 ID - pleasure principle  contains instinctual/biological urges - our unconscious desires  Problems can happen when ID desires begins to take over.

12 EGO - reality principle  Rational process of our mind that counteracts the Id.  Gratifies the Id’s impulses in realistic ways.

13 SUPEREGO - moral principle  Moral part of our mind, our conscience, holds us to moral principles.  Goes beyond reality into an ideal sense of behavior.


15 Development of Personality The Psychosexual Stages

16 Psychosexual Stages  The Id in children focuses its pleasure seeking energies on different areas of the body - each part of the body is a stage of development.

17 Oral Stage  0-18 months  Pleasure is focused on the mouth.

18 Anal Stage  18-36 months  Pleasure is focused on bowel and bladder elimination.

19 Phallic Stage  3-6 years  Pleasure zone is genitals - this is when kids start to cope with incestuous feelings.  A baby's fight for mom's attention A baby's fight for mom's attention

20 Oedipus/Electra Complex  Boys develop unconscious sexual desire for mother, and hate their father.  Kids cope with that feeling and eventually identify with father.


22 Identification with same sex parent Electra ComplexOedipus Complex

23 Final Stages  Latency - 6-puberty; dormant sexual feelings  “cooties” stage  Genital - puberty +; maturation of sexual interests


25 Fixations  Unresolved conflicts result in bad behavior such as FIXATION - a focus on pleasure seeking activities of a specific stage


27 Oral Fixation

28 Anal Fixation Anal RetentiveAnal Expulsive

29 Phallic Fixation

30 Conclusion Problems with this theory?

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