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Scientific Developments. Physical Science Advances in medicine Developments in Thermodynamics Organic Chemistry Different Applications Why important?

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Presentation on theme: "Scientific Developments. Physical Science Advances in medicine Developments in Thermodynamics Organic Chemistry Different Applications Why important?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Scientific Developments

2 Physical Science Advances in medicine Developments in Thermodynamics Organic Chemistry Different Applications Why important?

3 Social Science Definition:

4 Positivism Auguste Comte (1798-1857) System of Positive Philosophy Theory: All intellectual Activity progresses through predictable stages 1. theological (fictitious) 2. metaphysical (abstract) 3. scientific (positive)

5 Darwinism and Discounting Religion Early works on evolution  Charles Lyell (geologist, 1797-1875)  Jean Baptiste Lamark (174401829)

6 Charles Darwin  Collected data from trips to Latin America and South Pacific  Chance differences between species means some survive and some die out  “survival of the fittest” or Natural Selection

7 Freud and Psychology Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) Developed psychoanalysis Problems begin in the family Hypnosis can help Human behavior is motivated by unconscious, emotional needs  These are kept from becoming conscious by mental devices (defense mechanisms)

8 Major Beliefs  1. Oedipus v. Elektra complex  2. use of dreams to uncover hidden desires  3. unconscious energy = sexual energy  4. all humans have and ID, EGO, and a SUPEREGO  5. consistent, psychosexual development

9 Discussion 1. What are these ideas trying to move away from/What are they a response to? 2. Why are some of these ideas revolutionary? 3. What can they lead Europe towards?

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