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Do Now! Look at the following film posters and titles – how can you identify the target audience and genre?

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Presentation on theme: "Do Now! Look at the following film posters and titles – how can you identify the target audience and genre?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Do Now! Look at the following film posters and titles – how can you identify the target audience and genre?

2 Advanced Portfolio – Ancillary Tasks 2 tasks to be completed alongside the main task: Promotional Trailer for a new film Coursework worth 50% of your A2 mark Ancillary Tasks: the front page of a Film Magazine and a poster for a new film. The construction is worth 60 marks for all 3 tasks. The ancillary tasks are worth 20 of the marks available.

3 Poster placement Task: Brainstorm all the places were you would find a film poster. Inside and outside movie theatres. Transport links- train stations, bus stops etc. Billboards Magazines and newspapers How might posters differ in style according to where they are located?

4 The film poster technical conventions There may be several versions of a poster for one film, with variations in regards to size, content and country of production of the poster. IMAGE- It usually contains at least one main image. If the cast is an ‘ensemble’ then the main characters will appear. Photography is in keeping with the style, tone or genre of the film. EDITING- photography can be manipulated in post production. Occasionally images are layered into a montage, sometime they are left unedited. TEXT-The text usually contains the film title in large lettering and often the names of the main actors and director. Sometimes characters names are used in ‘character posters’. TAG LINE –a sentence that summarises and captures the tone of the film. RELEASE INFO- very important! Often a vague or specific date. FULL CREDITS- The ‘full poster’ that’s issued just before film is released will have the full credits at the bottom. Teaser posters wont necessarily. Official website address also given. TASK: Look again at the posters you were given. Make notes on the above conventions.

5 Same film. 3 posters. How do the technical conventions for these posters differ?

6 Connotation and Denotation - reminder Denotation? What you actually see eg. A Rose is a red flower Connotation? What something might stand for or represent, e.g.. To give someone a red rose might suggest love What are all of the connotations of the colour red? The mise-en-scene on a film poster can connote complex ideas to the viewer very quickly. Task: Look at the three film posters for the same film. What connotations do you get from the mise-en-scene on your poster? Consider Setting, Props, Costume, Colour and Character Position.

7 Connotation and Denotation What are the denotations and connotations of this poster?

8 Two character based posters for the same movie. What can we say about these?

9 Mise-en-scene and poster meaning The mise-en-scene can enhance audience understanding of a film by informing them of four different meanings: The period/era the film is set in. The place or cultural context. The genre of the film. The types of characters. The story or narrative.

10 When designing your poster please consider the following: 1) Denotation and connotation 2) How the posters indicate genre. 3) The technical conventions and how the mise-en-scene is presented. 4) How the stars and director are used. 5) Is there a USP (Unique Selling Point)? 76 Where might the campaign or individual posters be seen. To be presented on the page!

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