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1 Welcome to the........... Barriers to creativity and innovation in marketing webinar Thursday 18 th April 2013 This webinar will start at 1.00pm (BST+1).

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Presentation on theme: "1 Welcome to the........... Barriers to creativity and innovation in marketing webinar Thursday 18 th April 2013 This webinar will start at 1.00pm (BST+1)."— Presentation transcript:


2 1 Welcome to the........... Barriers to creativity and innovation in marketing webinar Thursday 18 th April 2013 This webinar will start at 1.00pm (BST+1). Please ensure that your computer’s internal speakers are switched on, or you have connected external speakers or headphones.

3 2 Welcome Your webinar presenter today is: Ray Murphy Webinar content for this afternoon: What influences creativity and innovation in marketing? How can we overcome the barriers to creativity and innovation? Questions, Questions, Questions 2

4 What influences creativity and innovation in marketing? The level of creative and innovative thinking that exists within individuals in the organisation and........ the leadership, culture and nature of the organisation. Which is most important?

5 A question to start off with Is creativity and the ability to innovate at an individual level a function of personality or it something that we can learn?

6 Nature or nurture? So is creativity something that we are born with (nature) or Something that is shaped by the environment within which we operate (nurture)

7 Can we measure creativity in individuals? The evidence would seem to suggest that creativity is related to several key personality traits Personality traits can be measured and compared to norms So it follows that creativity in an individual can be measured as well through psychometric instruments and compared to norms

8 People make decisions based on..... Thinking Emotions ‘Gut’ feelings And of course we are all different in terms of how we process information and make decisions

9 Have you got one of these?






15 Information Sources and Links The preceding quotes and others can be found on: And here are some other links that you may find useful

16 It’s all in the mind

17 What about me then? It looks like I’m a ‘left brainer’ Is there any hope for me? Yes there is. Let’s think about bricks

18 Can we train people to be more creative? What do you know about bricks?

19 So what about the influence of the organisational environment? The ability of an organisation to be creative and innovative is clearly dependent to a large extent upon the cognitive and information processing styles of employees...... but organisations can very easily inhibit creativity and innovation in individuals

20 Some organisational barriers to creativity ad innovation Left brain dominant leadership A rigid rule and process driven culture Complacency Risk averse behaviour at all levels Organisational politics A ‘follow my leader’ approach to business A ‘blame culture’ when mistakes are made Rigid structures that discourage innovation

21 So how can we overcome the organisational barriers? Change the leadership! Change the culture Foster more of a risk taking approach Accept mistakes without blame but learn from them Encourage the ‘Mavericks’ Loosen up rigid organisational structures Foster and reward creativity and innovation




25 and finally....... Has today’s webinar made you think? Is there anything that you can do right now to improve individual and corporate creativity and innovation within your organisation? If you would you like to discuss any of the issues raised today in more detail then email

26 and................. If you would like to know more about our CIM and CAM courses then email: Or go to our Website Or look at our demonstration learning site Log-in with the username "key2" and the password "success“


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