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The Baltic Geography of Creativity Hamburg, 11.05.06.

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1 The Baltic Geography of Creativity Hamburg, 11.05.06

2 in "Kopf- und Fußzeile" Titel eintragen 2 Two closely interrelated Topics: Topic 1: Creative Cities in the Baltic Sea Region Topic 2: Innovation Activities - Cores and Peripheries in the Baltic Sea Region

3 Überschrift The Baltic Geography of Creativity Tolerance: Migration and Diversity… Technology: Economic structure, Private and Public R&D… Innovations: Research and Development, Venture Capital and Headquarters… Talent: Demography, Education Systems and University…

4 in "Kopf- und Fußzeile" Titel eintragen 4 Topic 1: Creative Cities Starting point:  creativity and the increasing “creative economic sector“ are decisive factors for economic success and future development perspectives of cities  enlarging creativity is also a duty for the BSR in the course of the upcoming decades  measures and activities for creativity have to be developed in order to capture crucial factors of creativity and to follow current development trends of this “production factor“

5 in "Kopf- und Fußzeile" Titel eintragen 5 Topic 1: Creative Cities Main purpose of the project: Improve the understanding of the micro- and macroeconomic causes and consequences of the ongoing spatial concentration of knowledge-intensive activities from a theoretical, empirical and political perspective.

6 in "Kopf- und Fußzeile" Titel eintragen 6 Project Structure I: Development of indicators as “Creativity-Index“ II: Collection of Data and Comparison of the “Creativity-Index“ between cities in the BSR III: Case Studies for most creative cities in order to identify the factors of success IV: Workshops in cities of BSR presenting the “creativity- approach“ and discussing regional policy implications

7 in "Kopf- und Fußzeile" Titel eintragen 7 The Creativity-Index  Technology (economic structure, private and public R&D funding, universities …)  Talent (education systems, universities, demography …)  Tolerance (migration, diversity …)

8 in "Kopf- und Fußzeile" Titel eintragen 8 Team  Hamburg Institute of International Economics (HWWI) Contact: Dr. Silvia Stiller, Head of Research Programme “Hamburg and Regional Development“ and Jan Wedemeier,  PricewaterhouseCoopers AG Contact: Dr. Astrid Könönen, Senior Consult Regional Policy,  University of Tartu Prof. Dr. Tiiu Paas

9 in "Kopf- und Fußzeile" Titel eintragen 9 Topic 2: Innovation Activities Starting point: Important knowledge-intensive activities such as research & development, finance, or headquarter functions show an increasing tendency towards clustering in metropolitan areas.

10 in "Kopf- und Fußzeile" Titel eintragen 10 Innovation Activities  These agglomerations tend to gain importance as “engines“ of innovation and growth.  Hence existing regional and international disparities in knowledge potentials, income and growth may widen.  Peripheral locations or even whole countries without an outstanding centre of innovativity may lose competitiveness in knowledge-intensive activities and fall back in economic strength and welfare.

11 in "Kopf- und Fußzeile" Titel eintragen 11 Project Idea Main purpose of the project: Improve the understanding of the micro- and macroeconomic causes and consequences of the ongoing spatial concentration of knowledge-intensive activities from a theoretical, empirical and political perspective.

12 in "Kopf- und Fußzeile" Titel eintragen 12 Project Structure I: Development of an “Innovation- activity index“ II:Collection of Data and Comparison of the “index“ between cities in the BSR III:Case Studies for most innovative cities and less innovative peripheries IV:Workshops in cities of BSR presenting the innovativity- approach and discussing regional policy implications

13 in "Kopf- und Fußzeile" Titel eintragen 13 Team  Leuphana University Lüneburg –Contact: Ass. Prof. Dr. Ingrid Ott, Chair of Innovation and Growth,  Hamburg Institute of International Economics (HWWI) –Contact: Dr. Silvia Stiller, Head of Research Programme “Hamburg and Regional Development“, and Jan Wedemeier,

14 14 Expected Outputs and Result  Website: forum for exchange between Baltic cities  Summary Report: interregional comparison – illustrated by maps – of creativity and innovation potential  Policy Paper: “Best Practices“ derived from case studies and workshops  Development of a concept for a “Creativity Award” giving incentives to cities for improving their creative and innovation potential

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