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WHO 1 Pretesting Educational Materials Promoting Rational Drug Use in the Community Pretesting educational materials.

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1 WHO 1 Pretesting Educational Materials Promoting Rational Drug Use in the Community Pretesting educational materials

2 WHO 2 Pretesting Educational Materials Promoting Rational Drug Use in the Community Session objectives  Understand importance of pretesting  Understand when, where, with whom and how to pretest  Understand how malaria instruction materials are tested  Learn skills to conduct pretesting interview, and assess the information obtained  Learn to advocate the importance of pretesting

3 WHO 3 Pretesting Educational Materials Promoting Rational Drug Use in the Community Pretesting assesses:  Recognition: have the materials been understood?  Acceptability: is there anything offensive/unacceptable in the materials?  Familiarity and relevance: is the problem known and relevant to the target audience? People are most likely to consider/adopt change if these factors are considered

4 WHO 4 Pretesting Educational Materials Promoting Rational Drug Use in the Community Assessing perception of a picture This visual is from Kilifi, Kenya, where it is used as a symbol of child fever

5 WHO 5 Pretesting Educational Materials Promoting Rational Drug Use in the Community Why should you pretest?  Save money  Avoid big mistakes  Reach people with useful information and education – which they can understand, accept, and act on

6 WHO 6 Pretesting Educational Materials Promoting Rational Drug Use in the Community Uganda Red Cross Poster Source: Uganda Red Cross, Kampala, 1985

7 WHO 7 Pretesting Educational Materials Promoting Rational Drug Use in the Community Two versions of a teaching poster Source: Ministry of Health and UNICEF Nepal, 1977

8 WHO 8 Pretesting Educational Materials Promoting Rational Drug Use in the Community Litrosol: Small details make a difference From:Rasmuson MR et al. Communication for child survival, United States Agency for International Development, June 1988, Washington DC

9 WHO 9 Pretesting Educational Materials Promoting Rational Drug Use in the Community Main influences on quality of information:  Attitude of pretester  Interpersonal communication skills  The way you ask (open) questions  The way you listen actively to the respondent

10 WHO 10 Pretesting Educational Materials Promoting Rational Drug Use in the Community Exercise  Develop an instruction (visual + verbal) on how to use drugs (ARVs or AMs) with a patient. Define who the patient is (rural/urban…..  Develop some questions to ask, to find out if the instructions are understood, accepted and relevant  Test out the instruction with one of the participants in the course.

11 WHO 11 Pretesting Educational Materials Promoting Rational Drug Use in the Community When should you pretest?  Early in the process of developing materials  Use rough materials

12 WHO 12 Pretesting Educational Materials Promoting Rational Drug Use in the Community Nepal Healthy Baby Source: Haaland A. Pretesting Communication Materials

13 WHO 13 Pretesting Educational Materials Promoting Rational Drug Use in the Community With how many do you pretest?  Test with 10-30 people, depending on version  Key problems show in first 5-10 interviews Keep testing until you:  Have defined the problem, or seen trend in responses  Know what the next version should look like 70% of respondents should recognise final version

14 WHO 14 Pretesting Educational Materials Promoting Rational Drug Use in the Community Individuals, or groups?  Test with individuals to define the problem  Test with groups to find a solution

15 WHO 15 Pretesting Educational Materials Promoting Rational Drug Use in the Community Pretesting interview guidelines: 1  Undisturbed place: Respondent at ease  Motivate respondent to participate: Explain purpose of interview  Take away the fear: You are testing the picture, NOT the intelligence of respondent  No right or wrong answers  Convince the respondent as “expert“ his/her opinion is valuable  Invite respondent to ask questions

16 WHO 16 Pretesting Educational Materials Promoting Rational Drug Use in the Community Pretesting interview guidelines: 2 Essential methods during interview:  Asking open questions  Probing  Active listening  Discuss/agree  Work in pairs – interviewer and recorder

17 WHO 17 Pretesting Educational Materials Promoting Rational Drug Use in the Community Pretesting interview guidelines: 3 What to avoid:  Telling people they are wrong (or implying it)  Arguing or contradicting  Teaching or advising  Talking with others during interview (recorder or community members)  Challenging or leading questions  Testing too many pictures with one person  Testing too much text at a time

18 WHO 18 Pretesting Educational Materials Promoting Rational Drug Use in the Community Pretesting interview guidelines: 4 Methods to test pictures:  Test pictures one at a time for recognition, familiarity, relevance  If several versions, test for preference  Ask for suggestions  Test last for meaning/abstract interpretation

19 WHO 19 Pretesting Educational Materials Promoting Rational Drug Use in the Community Pretesting interview guidelines: 5 Methods to test text:  respondent reads text - note difficult words and hesitation  ask for words which are difficult  ask respondent what text means (after each section/sentence) - if it not clear explain  ask how respondent would express idea in own words  at the end ask about understanding of whole  compare understanding to purpose  ask for suggestions

20 WHO 20 Pretesting Educational Materials Promoting Rational Drug Use in the Community Pretesting interview guidelines: 6 Methods to test radio programmes:  Play programme through without interruption  Ask respondent questions based on objectives  Test for recognition of ideas/contents, acceptability and familiarity  Play the programme piece by piece.  Ask respondent to stop the programme when he/she has something to say  Ask suggestions for changes.

21 WHO 21 Pretesting Educational Materials Promoting Rational Drug Use in the Community Pretesting summary  Pretesting is important in making your interventions effective  Pretesting assesses familiarity, acceptability and relevance  Pretesting saves time and money  Pretesting needs careful planning  Successful pretesting depends on practice and good communication skills.

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