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Word Choice 6 Traits of Good Writing.  Activity.

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Presentation on theme: "Word Choice 6 Traits of Good Writing.  Activity."— Presentation transcript:

1 Word Choice 6 Traits of Good Writing

2  Activity

3 Basic level—choosing words that are the correct part of speech and have the generally correct meaning EX: I eat a cake yesterday. I ate a cake yesterday. “Eat” is present tense; “ate” is past tense. EX: Because I studied independently, I self-possessed completed my paper. Self-possessed appears as a synonym for independently, so you might try and use it the same way, but they are not interchangeable. EX: I defiantly love to read. I definitely love to read. “Defiant” is the correct word choice for the sentence; it has the incorrect meaning. What trait are we working with?

4 Switch general nouns to specific nouns, utilize more interesting verbs, vary word choice Many words we rely on are overused or too general (vague). To give your writing stronger voice or make it subtly persuasive, pay attention to these vague, overused words and thoughtfully submit mores specific words. EX: nice  kind, gentle, compassionate, pretty, thoughtful, comfortable, fascinating EX: people  the government, teens, adults, senior citizens, American citizens, children, toddlers, the public, the media EX: bad smell  stench Intermediate level

5 When it comes to intelligent people, Julia is just about the most intelligent person I know. This sounds significantly better with varied word choice… When it comes to intelligent people, Julia is just about the brainiest. (Or try “cleverest,” “intellectual,” “astute,” “gifted,” or “bright”) Also, avoid repetition…

6 Each small group will get a poster. On the poster, brainstorm and add as many appropriate words as you can generate. When I say, “SWITCH,” pass your poster to the next group and start on the next poster.  Think of words we could use instead of: good, bad, walk, said, things/stuff  Think of words we could use when we can use for: emotions, colors, transitions Carousel

7 In your same small groups, rotate the posters around the room again, copying useful words onto a notes sheet. Specifically pay attention to the emotion words, transition words, and good words, as these will be useful in writing your personal statement. Now, get out a sheet of paper…

8 Creating opportunities for descriptive language, using figures of speech, avoiding clichés Descriptive language: Instead of saying, “It was a beautiful day,” which gives little-to-no real information about what the day was like, use descriptive language: “The leaves were shades of crimson and gold, and the sun illuminated every hue, giving the impression of a forest bursting into flame.” OR “The sky looked as though it had never even heard of clouds.” Advanced Level

9 Figures of speech: Don’t be afraid to work personification, metaphor, hyperbole (extreme exaggeration—think “Yo Mama” jokes), or understatement into your formal writing. It gives develops voice and creates a more interesting text. EX: Human understanding is an intricate spider web of thought. Each strand of insight connects isolated pieces of knowledge. The more dense this web of connections becomes, the easier it is to catch the finer details of a text. Advanced Level

10 Avoiding clichés: Clichés are phrases so overused that they seem to lose their meaning or the resonance they once had. EX: dead as a doornail, pitch-black, lovesick, YOLO, home is where the heart is, daydreamer Try replacing these words and phrases with new ways to say the same thing. EX: pitch-black  relentless darkness Advanced Level

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