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Teknosains, Teknokultur dan Pembangunan yasraf amir piliang.

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Presentation on theme: "Teknosains, Teknokultur dan Pembangunan yasraf amir piliang."— Presentation transcript:

1 Teknosains, Teknokultur dan Pembangunan yasraf amir piliang

2 Paradigms of Development

3 Development means using the productive resources of society to improve the living conditions of the poorest people. Richard Peet, Theories of Development, The Guilford Press, London, 1999, Development

4 Developmentalism Economic Growth Development Social Welfare Cultural Sensibility Human Happiness Spirituality Elite People The Winner The Loser


6 Science and Technology

7 The Essence of Technology Technology is no mere means (or technical). Technology is a way of revealing (the possible world, way of living). It the realm of revealing of truth of the world: unlocking, transforming, storing, distributing and switching Martin Heidegger, The Question Concerning Technology, Colophon Books, 1977

8 Revealing Concealing Framing

9 Technology Revealing ‘possible worlds’ Tradition, ideology, belief system, culture tension

10 Possible World

11 Determinism Technological Determinism Techno-Framing Possessed individual Technopoly Scientism Social Determinism Social construction of technology Social logics Cultural values DEVELOPMENT

12 Culture Tools Using Culture Technopoly Culture & Technology Technocracy Relationship between tools and the belief system, where tools are not intruders Tools are not integrated into the culture; they attack the culture.: tradition, mores, myth. Technopoly is totalitarian technocracy: it redefining and replacing what we mean by belief, religion and myth Neil Postman, Technopoly: The Surrender of Culture to Technology, Vintage Books, 1992

13 The technoromantic unity is of passage from the physical world to the ideal world of created through technology. It is the world that is a total technologically constructed. (the technological construction of society) Richard Coyne, Technoromaticism: Digital narrative, Holism, and the Romance of the Real, The MIT Press, 1999 Technoromanticism


15 Knowledge in the form of an informational commodity indispensable to productive power is already, and continue to be, a major stake in the worldwide competition of power(1) Capitalism (development model) has to construct and impose models of desire, and its survival depends on its success in getting them interiorized by the masses it exploited. (2) (1)Jean F. Lyotard, The Postmodern Condition: A Report on Knowledge, Manchester University Press, 1989, hlm. 5. (2) Felix Guattari, Molecular Revolution, Peregrine Books, 1984, hlm. 225 Mercantilism

16 Product Oriented PRODUCT Theory Concept Philosophy Textbook Monograph Journal


18 Innovation

19 Creativity refers to persons who express unusual thoughts A person who experience the world in novel and original ways Whose perceptions are fresh Whose judgements are insightful Who make important innovations Csikszentmihalyi, Mihaly, Creativity: Flow and the Psychology of Discovery and Invention, New York: Harper Perennial, 1997 Creativity


21 ‘Innovation’ is a product of creativity It relates to the introduction of new ideas It makes difference and differentiation It makes a leap of insight Innovation

22 FIELD OF PRODUCTION FIELD OF APPRECIATION FIELD OF EXPRESSION FIELD OF DISSEMINTION Studio Manufacturer Craft center Media Awards Certificate Publishing Museum Info. Centre Library Internet Exhibition Competition Festival Market Consumption Creative Capital Economic Capital Social Capital Cultural Capital Creative Individual Economic Production Social Production Cultural Production Field of Creativity


24 Technoculture & Development

25 cultural values (language, symbol, education and knowledge) are not stimulating enough for creative ideas Cultural actors involved in the creative generation, production, consumption and appreciation are not supportive Social there is not enough inner motivation of individuals to create new and stimulating ideas Mental unavailability of capitals (money, instruments, and infrastructure) that demanded for creative activity Economic Mental Block

26 INPUT OUTPUT BLACK BOX Black Box A piece of machinery or a set of commands is too complex. In its place (one) draws a little box about which they need to know nothing but its input and output Bruno Latour, Science in Action, Harvard University Press, 1987

27 Black Box

28 Creative Process

29 Black Box

30 theory system books innovations products Sediment of BLACK BOXES Minimalism of knowledge violence flood earthquake tsunami

31 Constraints

32 language, symbol and knowledge, the availability of knowledge system, procedures, methods, rules, strategies Cultural Capital all actors involved in the creative generation production consumption and appreciation ‘reactive’ or ‘proactive ‘conservative’ or progressive Social Capital ‘creative individual who capable of producing new ideas, concepts, systems, forms or products: open, playful, imaginative, spontaneous Creative Capital All material things that have value : money, gold, land, tools, instruments, softwares, hardwares, devices and infrastructure Economic Capital Creative Capital

33 Innovation =Black Box Revealed

34 Technoscience Feedback Knowledge Systems Products Techno- science Society

35 Technoculture Input Axiology Socio-cultural effect Mental Model Life-world model Technology Techno- culture


37 Development Technoscience Technoculture Welfare Integrative System

38 Cultural Oriented PRODUCTTHOUGHT Theory Concept Philosophy


40 Conclusion

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