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Combining robust engineering, advanced performance and a palmtop PC interface for supreme user-friendly flexibility.

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Presentation on theme: "Combining robust engineering, advanced performance and a palmtop PC interface for supreme user-friendly flexibility."— Presentation transcript:

1 Combining robust engineering, advanced performance and a palmtop PC interface for supreme user-friendly flexibility

2 Familiar Windows operating system Allows total flexibility in cycle programming Free software upgrades via web download SD memory cards for program transfer & backup Computer supports advanced software (for auto-calibration, primer design, virtual runs, etc) Intuitive graphical user interface with large back-lit, color, touch-sensitive screen In-built palm calendar software makes a perfect lab booking system! Why a Palmtop PC Interface?

3 Thermal Control Eight Peltier array Four separate sensors Sensor distribution allows Peltier devices pairs to be controlled independently via feedback loops to computer

4 Thermal Gradient Cycling When enabled, a programmable gradient from 1°C to 24°C can be setup from left to right on the Palm-Cycler 8 Peltiers and 4 sensors enable a true linear gradient to be established Gradient technology allows the user to quickly identify the best possible set of annealing conditions in one run when optimizing cycling conditions

5 Logging and Graphing information A real-time temperature graph provides information on temperature across block during cycling The Blue line shows set temperature and the Red line actual temperature Four sensors across the block enables accurate indication of the temperature in each well across all 12 columns

6 Heated Lid (Hot Bonnet) Technology Heated lid keeps the void air volume in the tube hotter than the reaction This prevents evaporation of the reaction mix and condensation within the tube No oil or wax condensation barrier is needed Aluminum Block PCR Tube Reaction Mix

7 Programming the Palm-Cycler From the Cycling screen, simply: 1. Set Time 2. Set Temp. 3. Set Repeats

8 Touchdown Applications Touchdown programming can reduce non-specific product formation

9 Long Range Applications In Long Range programming, the extension step of an amplification cycle is automatically time incremented This provides the DNA polymerase more time to complete strand synthesis in later cycles where this becomes limiting Useful for targets greater than about 1 Kb in length

10 Limit Rate Feature Thermal transition times can be precisely controlled by the limit rate option This allows the user to specify a heating or cooling rate over time For example, you may wish to heat from 55°C to 95°C over 15 minutes ( or vice versa) Used during cycling protocols only

11 The hold list allows you to create temperature holds during the program at a defined Cycle, Repeat, Number, or Step When running a program with this feature active, the unit will hold the temperature at the programmed point and a beeping sound will be emitted Select Continue in the top right hand corner of the display to proceed Useful if you need to remove tubes or add reagents at a particular point Hold Lists

12 The powerful palm computer allows the inclusion of advanced functions such as an oligonucleotide calculator Used to calculate various useful oligo information such as:  %GC  Molecular weight  Temperature of melting (T M ),  Optical density (OD)  Bond information (for detecting Primer Dimers, Palindromes etc) Oligo Calculator

13 Auto-Calibration Utilizing the calibration mode within the Palm-Cycler means thermal accuracy should never ‘Drift’ throughout the life of the unit An external thermal couple can be used to measure block temperature These readings are fed back into the calibration settings in the units memory Any disparity between readings is automatically compensated by the Palm-Cycler to ensure accurate temperature control

14 Active-cooled block (range 4°C to 99°C) 8 Peltiers and 4 platinum sensors True linear gradient capability (1°C to 24°C) Intuitive Palm computer interface Easy programming and backup Advanced cycling options (Touchdown, Long Range, Ramp Rate, Hold Lis,t etc) Advanced functions (graphing interface, auto-calibration, oligo calculator etc) Built tough to last

15 Genetix Biotech Asia (P) Ltd. 71/1, First Floor, Shivaji Marg Najafgarh Road, New Delhi – 110015 Phone : +91-11-45027000 Fax : +91-11-25419631 Email : Mumbai 381-319, A Wing, Third Floor Kanaran Business Centre, Ghatkoper (East) Mumbai – 400 075 Telefax : +91-22-25006834, 25003897 Email : Bangalore 806, IInd Floor, IInd Stage, 4 th Main “A” Block Rajajinagar Bangalore – 560010 Telephone : +91-80-23577513, 23376270 Fax : +91-80-23577513 Email : Hyderabad H.No. 10-3-1/3, Plot No. 36 Ground Floor Entrenchment Road East Marredpally Secunderabad – 500026 Telephone : +91-40-27733937, 27731293 Email : hyderabad :

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