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Decisions and Free Will Choosing to act on basis of desires (immediate automatic goals) Choosing to act on basis of desires and values (immediate and deferred.

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Presentation on theme: "Decisions and Free Will Choosing to act on basis of desires (immediate automatic goals) Choosing to act on basis of desires and values (immediate and deferred."— Presentation transcript:

1 Decisions and Free Will Choosing to act on basis of desires (immediate automatic goals) Choosing to act on basis of desires and values (immediate and deferred automatic goals) Choosing to act on basis of rational mind (independent agency)

2 Agency Free choices Influenced choices Automatic response, reflexes, hemiballismus, tourettes, tics, temporal lobe seizures, sleep walking, stereotype behavior Combinations

3 Two Basic Philosophies Determinism, fatalism as described by Laplace (and many others) Free Will is possible,Aristotle, Descartes Two subtypes,Compatibilism and Non Compatibilism John Searle : Mind, A Brief Introduction, Ch 8

4 Legal/Moral Responsibility Aristotle’s Conditions: Control and Knowledge McNaughton Rule: Knowledge of what he was doing and knowledge that it is wrong(mid 19 th century) Modified McNaughton: added component of control (end 19 th century) Model Penal Code: substantial incapacity to know right from wrong, or irresistible urge (1962) Post Hinckley: urge removed and placed burden on defendant (1984)

5 Phenomenon of Will Intuitively present but affected by conscious factors: coersion, impulses, emotions, mental illness. Attentuating circumstances? Are there unconscious factors? Freudian slips, id conflicts, mental illness, subliminal effects? Churchland Hypothesis of control space

6 Neuroscience of Conscious Will Libet Experiment 1983 nI nI Haynes Experiment 2008 news/2008/04/mind_decision#

7 Explanations Libet: perhaps the real choice is to decide in the negative “free won’t” Methodological: timing, repeatability, generalisability Preconscious “I” Wegner: conscious illusion

8 Decisions Mental process leading to choice or opinion Conscious rational process weighing pro and con and likelihoods Emotional process (Damasio) Unconscious forces (internal and external)

9 Defective Decisions Wrong information Defective reasoning (irrationality) Cognitive Bias Beliefs Emotionality (fear) Unconscious effects (sexism, racism, other)

10 Neuroscience Decisions Cortical activation with linkage to lower emotional systems fMRI studies:ethical, marketing, bias, style for choosing, political orientation, mate selection, etc Some examples influences: MAO subtypes, oxytocin receptors, psychopaths, drugs

11 Political Orientation Amodio et al : 2007 Nature Neuroscience Brain activation in Go/NoGo decisions Alford et al 2008 Science Political attitudes affected by physiological traits Fowler et al 2008 Variant of dopamine related to liberal attitudes

12 Law and Neuroscience ?id=82CE9C8B-E7F2-99DF- 320EEC8640412E2D ?id=82CE9C8B-E7F2-99DF- 320EEC8640412E2D Human Algorithm (Churchland and Sinnott- Armstrong

13 My Brain Made Me Do It My_Brain_Made_Me_Do_It My_Brain_Made_Me_Do_It (pro and con)

14 Politics Bradley et al 2007 J of Advertising Negative political ads generate “flight or fight response” measure by eye reflexes Fowler 2008 (WSJ) Twin studies Genetic influence on political activity possibly through serotonin genes

15 Bias Todoro 2008 PNAS Trust Describe facial features that engender fear vs trust Phelps 2000 J Cog Neuroscience fMRI pattern of bias

16 m/missions/paul_files/BuyButton.png

17 Neuromarketing The Buy Button in the Brain Tune Advertisements? Movie trailers, car ads Dan Airely: Predictably Irrational Cialdini : Persuasion (excellent on psychology, highly recommended)

18 Neuroethics px?id=13426 px?id=13426 itePageId=33808&orgId=ns itePageId=33808&orgId=ns

19 Web Sites and Videos Channel N Mind Hacks Science News Mind and Body

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