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PROPERTIES OF BIODISEL Presented by, S.Babykarthiga(092bt110) K.Deepika (092bt112) Final biotechnology.

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1 PROPERTIES OF BIODISEL Presented by, S.Babykarthiga(092bt110) K.Deepika (092bt112) Final biotechnology

2 P ROPERTIES : Density and specific gravity Heavier Specific gravity- 0.88, normal diesel- 0.84 Its should always be blended at top of diesel fuel Density specification – contamination /adulteration Cetane number Indicate ignition characteristics Higher cetane number – better ignition properties Affect the engine good performance character

3 Viscosity Controls the characteristics of diesel injectors Distillation characteristics Quite different from diesel No volatile componanents Boiling point of biodiesel – range 330˚C-357˚C Flash point Temperature at which it will ignite when exposed to a flam or spark Higher then petroleum diesel Flash point for biodisel - 160º C Minimun flash point of 100º C- to remove excess methanol used for esterification Cold filter plugging point Low temp- fuel thick – flow is less – affecting the performance CFPP reflect cold wheather performances Fuel limits of filter ability

4 Cloud point Temp at which a cloud or haze of crystals appear in the fuel Important for low temperature operation Higher cloud point then diesel Stability Oxidation stability Thermal stability Storage stability Iodine number Tendency of a fuel to be unstable and measure the presence of c-c bonds that are prone to oxidation. iodine Unsaturated oil saturated oil

5 Free and total glycerol Degree of conversion of vegetable oil is indicated by the amount of free and total glycerol present in Actual number is - engine fouling, filter –clogging Process will control the amount of free and total glycerol Alkaline matter Controlled to ensure that the catalyst used in esterification process are properly removed carefully Total contanmination Filteration and washing treatment at manufacturing level need to be robust Sulfur content: Biodiesel-less than 15 ppm ASTM D5453-low level of sulfur ASTM D2622-diesel fuel Oxygen

6 Lubricity Lack of lubricity Lubrication of pump is not provided by viscosity alone but also lubricity property of the fuel Its depends on the crude source defining process to reduce sulfur content and type of additive used Commonly used for evaluating the lubricity of the fuel- BOCLE, HFRR. BOCLE- normally used without additives Pure biodiesel has high lubricity Sulfated ash Its controlled to ensure that all the catalyst in trans- esterification process are removed Presence of ash-filter plugging and injector deposits Source-soluble metallic soap,unremoved catalyst and other solids

7 Acid number: It ensure proper aging properties of the fuel Reflects the presence of free fatty acids or acids used in the manufacturing of biodiesel Degradation of biofuels by thermal effects Water content: Biodiesel are susceptible to growing microbes when water is present in the fuel Solvency properties-microbial slime to detach and clog fuel filter Phosphorus content: Phosphorus –can come as impurity and can affect oxidation catalyst and cause injector fouling Necessary to keep the level of phosphorus in fuel low Biodiesel-<1ppm phosphorus content

8 Methanol/Ethanol content: High level of free alcohol – accelerated deterioration natural rubber seals and gaskets Methanol – membrane permeable cause nerve damage Control of alcohol content is required Conradson carbon residue Indication of carbon depositing tendency of the fuel Two methods 100% residual 10% residual


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