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Making Redding Bully-Free NUM83R5! POWER in NUM83R5!

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Presentation on theme: "Making Redding Bully-Free NUM83R5! POWER in NUM83R5!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Making Redding Bully-Free NUM83R5! POWER in NUM83R5!

2 Review Bullying The room divides in to 4 sections Please move separate for discussion to take place In groups, choose a scribe (writer) Using a given index card, list behaviors and traits of a BULLY 1 minute… Choose a speaker The room divides in to 4 sections Please move separate for discussion to take place In groups, choose a scribe (writer) Using a given index card, list behaviors and traits of a BULLY 1 minute… Choose a speaker

3 Top Bullying Behaviors/Traits Top Bullying Behaviors/Traits

4 Bullying Behaviors Is everything on our lists Aggressive?  Hitting  Kicking  Pushing What are some Passive behaviors? (Things bullies do that do not require physical contact or name-calling) Is everything on our lists Aggressive?  Hitting  Kicking  Pushing What are some Passive behaviors? (Things bullies do that do not require physical contact or name-calling)


6 It all comes down to this… What does a bully have that the victim does not? P O W E R What does a bully have that the victim does not? P O W E R


8 What does the victim have that the bully does not? YOU! What does the victim have that the bully does not? YOU!

9 POWER in Numbers: Our learning objectives What is a bystander? Why do they just “stand by” and let bullying happen? What are some ways someone could stop “standing by” and help the victim? What is a bystander? Why do they just “stand by” and let bullying happen? What are some ways someone could stop “standing by” and help the victim?

10 “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” -Edmund Burke “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” -Edmund Burke

11 What is a bystander? The room divides in to 4 sections Please move separate for discussion to take place The room divides in to 4 sections Please move separate for discussion to take place

12 Consider this: For every fight, how many… People are involved? Usually only TWO! People are watching? 20? 30? MORE??? For every fight, how many… People are involved? Usually only TWO! People are watching? 20? 30? MORE???

13 Why do they just ‘stand by’ and let bullying happen? FEAR Of the bully Of being bullied Of risking social appearance Claim, “It’s none of my business…” FEAR Of the bully Of being bullied Of risking social appearance Claim, “It’s none of my business…”

14 Discussion The room divides in to 4 sections Please move separate for discussion to take place 3 minutes to discuss answers with session leader: Is it your business? The room divides in to 4 sections Please move separate for discussion to take place 3 minutes to discuss answers with session leader: Is it your business?

15 What are some ways someone could stop “standing by” and help the victim?

16 Ways to help a victim Intervene - if safe An easy way is to act like you had no idea what was going on: “What’s for lunch today?” Seek an adult for immediate help Offer support to the victim afterwards Sincere sympathies help: “I wish people could just get along. Some are so rude.” Report the incident TOGETHER Discuss what you saw with an adult Intervene - if safe An easy way is to act like you had no idea what was going on: “What’s for lunch today?” Seek an adult for immediate help Offer support to the victim afterwards Sincere sympathies help: “I wish people could just get along. Some are so rude.” Report the incident TOGETHER Discuss what you saw with an adult

17 Or… Phone: 302-378-5081 Ext. HELP (4357) The more information shared, the better we can handle the situation. Redding Middle School Stop Bullying! Report incidents to the RMS Hotline:

18 Being a Good Citizen Would they still be a Good Citizen if they stood and watched?

19 NO.

20 Do The Right Thing… Good Citizenship means helping others when they are in need Telling an adult to keep Redding safe is NOT a bad thing… It is Good Citizenship! Good Citizenship means helping others when they are in need Telling an adult to keep Redding safe is NOT a bad thing… It is Good Citizenship!

21 All Together Now! What were some things discussed? Any surprises? What were some things discussed? Any surprises?

22 Think, Pair, Share Turn to someone next to you and each of you come up with a DIFFERENT way to help the victim. What did you come up with? If you felt unsafe, would you want someone to help you? Turn to someone next to you and each of you come up with a DIFFERENT way to help the victim. What did you come up with? If you felt unsafe, would you want someone to help you?

23 "We have all a better guide in ourselves, if we would attend to it, than any other person can be." -Jane Austen "We have all a better guide in ourselves, if we would attend to it, than any other person can be." -Jane Austen

24 Help yourself! The room divides in to 4 sections Please move separate for discussion to take place What can the victim do to help themselves? The room divides in to 4 sections Please move separate for discussion to take place What can the victim do to help themselves?

25 Don’t be a VICTIM! Bullies need satisfaction. Don’t give it to them by…  Get an adult involved  Not reacting emotionally  Surround yourself with friends  Respond with humor or distracting responses Bullies need satisfaction. Don’t give it to them by…  Get an adult involved  Not reacting emotionally  Surround yourself with friends  Respond with humor or distracting responses

26 WHAT?!?! Are you finished? I have a class now. I didn’t know you cared to spend so much time on my life. Hmmm… interesting thoughts! OR Fluffy pink bunnies (and walk away) Did you know that my cat puked a hair ball this big last night? Are you finished? I have a class now. I didn’t know you cared to spend so much time on my life. Hmmm… interesting thoughts! OR Fluffy pink bunnies (and walk away) Did you know that my cat puked a hair ball this big last night?

27 It all comes down to this: NUM83R5! There truly is POWER in NUM83R5!

28 Bullying is NOT welcome here!

29 Thank You!

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