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1 Object Oriented Design COP 3331 Spring 2011 MWF 11:50 AM – 12:40 PM CHE 103 Instructor:Dr. Rollins Turner Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering ENB.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Object Oriented Design COP 3331 Spring 2011 MWF 11:50 AM – 12:40 PM CHE 103 Instructor:Dr. Rollins Turner Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering ENB."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Object Oriented Design COP 3331 Spring 2011 MWF 11:50 AM – 12:40 PM CHE 103 Instructor:Dr. Rollins Turner Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering ENB 336 813-974-1079 Office Hours: Monday & Wednesday1:00 PM – 3:00 PM It is OK to drop in any time. My class schedule is on the web:

2 2 Textbook C++ Primer Plus (Fifth Edition) Stephen Prata Sams Publishing 2005 ISBN 0-672-32697-3

3 3 Course Objectives You will be able to: Write object oriented programs of moderate size and complexity in the ISO Standard C++ programming language. Compile, test, and debug C++ console (command line) programs on a PC running Windows and on a networked system running Linux. Design a program as a collection of interacting classes. Effectively use the principles of object oriented design (abstraction, encapsulation, inheritance, polymorphism). Use UML (The Unified Modeling Language) to design object oriented programs for implementation in C++ Use templates and the C++ Standard Template Library in the design and implementation of C++ programs.

4 4 Exams and Grading Grading:Projects 30% Midterm Exam 30% Final Exam 30% Quizzes10% Exams missed for a legitimate reason can and must be made up. Consult me, in advance when possible, to arrange makeup exam. Provide written documentation of cause of absence. (e.g., letter from doctor)

5 5 Letter Grades 90 – 100A 80 – 89B 70 – 79C 60 – 69D < 60F No “+” or “-” grades will be issued. Numerical average will be rounded to nearest integer..5 rounded up

6 66 University Policies Procedures for Alleged Academic Dishonesty or Disruption Of Academic Process: See current undergraduate catalog Page 59 and following.

7 77 Accommodations Disabilities Students in need of academic accommodations for a disability may consult with the Office of Services for Students with Disabilities to arrange appropriate accommodations. Please inform me if there is a need for alternate format for documents or a note taker. Religious Observances Students who anticipate the necessity of being absent from class due to a major religious observance must provide notice of the date (or dates) to me, in writing, by the second class meeting. Athletic Events Students who must miss an exam due to participating in a varsity athletic event should contact me two weeks in advance in order to make alternative arrangements.

8 88 Departmental Policies All students enrolled in courses taught by the Computer Science and Engineering Department are advised that unless an instructor specifies otherwise, all work done in homework, programming, or exams must be the result of a student’s individual effort. Students who copy, or who provide material for others, or who show dishonesty in their work as described in the university catalog, will be subject to disciplinary action, typically the receipt of a failing grade in the course, but also possible academic dismissal from the program.

9 9 Course Policies Programming projects will be graded. You may work with one other student on each project. If you work as a pair: Submit only one copy of the program. Include both names in Blackboard submission comments. Other student submit just a Blackboard comment Both students are expected to understand the program in detail.

10 10 Course Policies Projects must be submitted on time. Late projects will not be accepted, get an automatic 0. No replacements or substitutions after the deadline. Don't post assignments on the Internet Don't ask for help on Internet forums.

11 11 Course Policies It is OK to discuss projects with other students, but outright copying is not acceptable. Don’t copy anyone else’s work. Don’t let anyone copy your work. Penalty: 0 for the project. Reduction of one letter grade for the course. Projects must be submitted on time. Late projects will not be accepted, get an automatic 0.

12 12 Slides from class presentations will be available on the class web site: Also on class web site: Examples Project solutions Not all material covered in class will be on slides. Class Web Site

13 13 Blackboard ( ) will be used for all program submissions. Grades posted there also. Feedback in the form of annotated source files. Be sure you can log in and can find this class under the Courses tab. USF email will be used for messages to students. Be sure you can receive messages sent to your official USF email address Check your email regularly. Don’t let backlog exceed your quota. Welcome message will be sent out as a test. Communications

14 14 Course Schedule M 10-Jan-11Week 1Getting Started with C++ (Ch 1, 2) W 12-Jan-11 Objects and Classes (Ch 10) F 14-Jan-11 M 17-Jan-11Week 2USF Holiday W 19-Jan-11 Objects and Classes (Ch 10) F 21-Jan-11 M 24-Jan-11Week 3 W 26-Jan-11 Simple File I/O (Ch 6) F 28-Jan-11 M 31-Jan-11Week 4Operator Overloading (Ch 11) W 2-Feb-11 Friend Functions (Ch 11) F 4-Feb-11 M 7-Feb-11Week 5Dynamic Memory Allocation (Ch 12) W 9-Feb-11 F 11-Feb-11 M 14-Feb-11Week 6Inheritance (Ch 13) W 16-Feb-11 F 18-Feb-11 M 21-Feb-11Week 7Containment (Ch 14) W 23-Feb-11 F 25-Feb-11 Midterm Exam

15 M28-Feb-11Week 8Object Oriented Design with UML W2-Mar-11 F4-Mar-11 M7-Mar-11Week 9Object Oriented Design with UML W9-Mar-11 F11-Mar-11 M14-Mar-11Spring Break W16-Mar-11 F18-Mar-11 M21-Mar-11Week 10Introduction to XML W23-Mar-11 Using an XML Parser F25-Mar-11 M28-Mar-11Week 11Friends (Ch 15) W30-Mar-11 Exceptions (Ch 15) F1-Apr-11 M4-Apr-11Week 12The C++ string Class (Ch 16) W6-Apr-11 F8-Apr-11 M11-Apr-11Week 13The Standard Template Library (Ch 16) W13-Apr-11 F15-Apr-11 M18-Apr-11Week 14Input, Output, and Files (Ch 17) W20-Apr-11 Design Patterns F22-Apr-11 Project M25-Apr-11Week 15 W27-Apr-11 F29-Apr-11 Last Class M2-May-11Week 16Final Exam Week W4-May-11 Final Exam 12:30 - 2:30 F6-May-11

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