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Hunterdon Central Incoming Freshmen Orientation
Sports Offerings Fall Winter Cheerleading Basketball (B/G)
Cross-Country (B/G) Field Hockey Football Gymnastics (G) Soccer (B/G) Tennis (G) Volleyball (G) Winter Basketball (B/G) Bowling (B/G) Cheerleading Fencing (B/G) Ice Hockey Swimming (B/G) Winter Track (B/G) Wrestling
Sports Offerings Spring Baseball Golf (B/G) Lacrosse (B/G) Softball
Tennis (B) Track (B/G) Volleyball (B)
Blue Athletic Letter Athletic information mailing will take place in April/May. Health History/Parent Permission Form must be submitted no earlier than 60 days prior to the first day of practice. (NJ Law) One physical is required per school year. For Fall sports, physicals must take place between June 23rd and July 14th. Required forms include: Part A-Health History Update, Part B-Comprehensive Physical Card/Permission Card, Random Drug Testing Consent Form (HC) and Steroid Testing (NJSIAA) Consent Form (NJSIAA). Forms are posted on Athletic Webpage, Health Services Webpage and in Nurses’ Offices. After initial sport participations, the Part A Health History Update/Permission Card (Physical) must be submitted for each subsequent sport, one month prior to start of season.
Athletic Form Submission Nights
June 24th and July 22nd Location: Commons Time (by alphabetical listing) : G-L 5:00 PM; M-R 5:45 PM; S-Z 6:30 PM; A-F 7:15 PM Required Forms: All Athletic Physical Forms Part A/B, Random Drug, NJSIAA Steroid Consent, Parent Permission will be collected by HC Nursing Staff and Dr. Barr, Medical Examiner. Please note: Submission dates are NOT physical dates. Physicals must be completed by your doctor before forms are submitted.
Academic Eligibility First semester: freshmen are free of any academic eligibility requirements. Second semester: freshmen must project 15 credits to be eligible to participate. Second year: sophomores must have accrued 30 credits during freshmen year to be eligible for fall and winter sports.
2009 Fall Official Practice
Girls Tennis: Friday, August 17th Cheerleading, Cross-Country, Field Hockey, Gymnastics, Soccer, Volleyball: Saturday, August 22nd Freshman Football: Monday, August 24th
Practice Schedule Practice takes place every day after school starting at 3:00 PM. (Tutorials: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday) The length of practice is up to the individual coach. Practices usually run until 5:30 PM. Saturday practices and rare Sundays practices are scheduled for Varsity only.
Red Devil Travel Release
Travel Release Forms must be used whenever an athlete is not riding the team bus. Forms must be submitted two days prior to event and signed by House Office or Athletic Director. Athletes cannot drive to/from an event; parents must drive. Forms are posted on Athletic Webpage.
2009/2010 Winter & Spring Start Dates
Bowling: November 15th All other Winter sports: the Friday after Thanksgiving. Spring Sports: the first Friday in March. Please note: all sports forms are due one month before the start date.
Athletic Training Program
HC Trainers: Ms. Manfre & Mr. Riccardella Training Rooms are open everyday at 11:00 AM. Injuries must be reported to the coach/trainer when they occur. Use of Rooms/Trust of the Parents. If an athlete sees a doctor for an injury prior to seeing a trainer, a note is needed for return to sport participation.
ATHLETIC TRAINER EVALUATION (determine injury severity/need for further medical evaluation) PARENT CONTACT CALL 911 TREAT IN HOUSE A.T. REHAB/TREATMENT TEAM PHYSICAN FAMILY PHYSICIAN (If athlete is seen outside of school, a note stating the injury, treatment protocol, limitations, and a follow-up or “return to play” date MUST be returned to the athletic trainer before the athlete is allowed to participate again.) (Athletic Trainer works under standing orders from team Orthopedist re: treatment protocol. Team Orthopedist visits school once a week to evaluate injured athletes) PHYSICAL THERAPY Coach Sellmann (strength and conditioning coach works with athletic trainers during and after in house rehab, as well as with Physical Therapists post rehab) ATHLETIC TRAINER RETURN TO SPORT (Functional testing and medical clearance dictate return to participation.) (Taped or braced as needed. Possible restrictions still enforced.)
ImPACT and Concussion Athletes are tested whose sports place them at risk for concussion. Baseline score for “normal” brain function is established for each athlete tested. Verbal memory, visual memory, speed of reaction time and cognitive ability are tested. Scores are stored for comparison to “post trauma” scores, if athletes sustain head injuries. Scores compare pre- and post-injury brain function of an individual athlete only. Scores are not compared between athletes. Only the athletic trainers, Dr. Barr, athletes, parents and family physicians/neurologists at the parents’ request have access to scores.
Athletic Home page
Web Page Information Go to: Click on: “Athletics”
Consent Forms Internet Consent: needed for photo/name to be on internet (Check photo and identifiers Box 3) and distributed in summer mailing. Videotape Consent: needed for games to be aired on HCTV/Channel 14 and distributed in summer mailing. Media Consent: needed for interviews/photos with media and distributed as needed.
17 Link will be found on the Athletic Webpage, June, 2009. Will include information for schedules, directions, team information page and scores.
Red Devil Coach Contact Information Telephone extensions and addresses for all head coaches are posted on the Athletic Webpage.
Red Devil Athletic Hotline
By 1:15 PM everyday Athletic Office
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