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The Secret Life of Walter Mitty by: James Thurber

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1 The Secret Life of Walter Mitty by: James Thurber

2 Vocabulary Rakishly Insinuatingly Hurtling Cur Distraught Cannonading
Haggard Derisive Insolent Inscrutable Page 345

3 James Thurber Born Dec. 8, 1894 in Ohio
Lost the sight in one of his eyes as a child due bow-and-arrows Attended Ohio State University, but never finished

4 Reporter and a freelance writer for most of his life
His first book written in collaboration with E. B. White Received 3 honorary doctorates Died November 2, 1961

5 Background What are some of the weirdest dreams you have had?
Random events cause Walter Mitty’s thoughts to jump back and forth between his exciting “secret” life and his humdrum everyday life

6 Characters/setting/plot
Walter Mitty Mrs. Mitty Waterbury Walter Mitty who can’t stand his life where everyone picks on him, retreats into a daydream world

7 Literary Analysis First-person point of view is when the narrator is one of the characters Third-person point of view is when the narrator does not participate in the action What is this story written in?

8 Literary Analysis Round character is a character who exhibits many traits, including faults as well as virtues (i.e. Walter Mitty) Flat character a character who seems to have only a single surface or aspect to their personality (i.e. Mrs. Mitty)

9 On page 348, what part is Mitty’s fantasy world and what part is Mitty’s real world?
 Famous surgeon vs. being in a garage How does this show that Walter Mitty is a round character?  He goes in between both worlds; this shows different sides to his personality

10 What shows you on page 349 that the story is in third person point of view?
Third-person limited or third-person omniscient?  Limited; only get Walter’s point of view

11 Activities Review and assess page 352
Great review worksheets Essay questions EdHelper Review

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