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Macromedia Fireworks Introduction to Fireworks By: J.D.

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2 Macromedia Fireworks Introduction to Fireworks By: J.D

3 This is a preview of Macromedia Fireworks TM. Here we will show you step by step how we recreated two of The Far Side TM using real images and Fireworks.

4 Here is how it should look:

5 1.Here is the first step on making my image. I got an image of an empty fishbowl and cropped the excess image. 2. Then I got a picture of a goldfish to crop. 3. Then I add them both together. 1.2. 3.

6 4. 4. Then I add my 2 nd fish. 5. Then I add the shattered glass with the flowing water and a circle for the surprise on his face. 6.Then I add the Louisville Slugger and his glove. 5. 6.

7 7. Then I add the table in. 8. And finally I add the fish food and export as a JPEG. 7. 8.


9 This icon represent the polygon lasso tool. This is the sole tool I used in making this picture THE END!!!!! J-Dizzle OUT!!!!

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