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CT Environmental Science and Natural Resources Career Development Event Fish Identification This presentation is set up like a self-quiz, use it to study.

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Presentation on theme: "CT Environmental Science and Natural Resources Career Development Event Fish Identification This presentation is set up like a self-quiz, use it to study."— Presentation transcript:

1 CT Environmental Science and Natural Resources Career Development Event Fish Identification This presentation is set up like a self-quiz, use it to study for the contest Identification event. Keep in mind, during the contest you will be shown either a picture, live specimen or a preserved specimen. You will have to identify the fish by its common name. You will not be able to touch the specimen.

2 Brown Trout

3 Brook Trout

4 Rainbow Trout

5 Atlantic Salmon

6 Largemouth Bass

7 Smallmouth Bass

8 Bluegill

9 Pumpkinseed

10 Redbreast Sunfish

11 Rock Bass

12 Yellow Perch

13 Walleye

14 White Perch

15 Northern Pike

16 Chain Pickerel

17 Black Crappie

18 White Sucker

19 Brown Bullhead

20 Channel Catfish

21 American Shad

22 American Eel

23 Atlantic Silverside

24 Banded Killifish

25 Atlantic Sturgeon

26 Atlantic Menhaden

27 Striped Bass

28 Bluefish

29 Atlantic Cod

30 Dolphin Fish

31 Cobia

32 Weakfish

33 Scup

34 Blackfish

35 Cunner

36 Summer Flounder

37 Winter Flounder

38 Atlantic Bonito

39 Atlantic Mackerel

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