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Parity of Esteem A primary care and CCG perspective Dr Guy Pilkington.

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Presentation on theme: "Parity of Esteem A primary care and CCG perspective Dr Guy Pilkington."— Presentation transcript:

1 Parity of Esteem A primary care and CCG perspective Dr Guy Pilkington

2 Holism Natural perspective for primary care –Generalists –Common primary care presentations –Bio psychosocial components Definition of health –WHO definition (1948) –Or The ability to adapt and self manage M Huber et al –BMJ 2011;343:d4163

3 A new commissioning landscape? Payment by results (PBR) vs Block contracts

4 Chronic disease model How do we apply models used in physical LTCs to LTCs of largely mental health dimensions? –Prevention –Case finding –Early detection / Early intervention –Supported self management –Self determination –Compassion and care at the end of life

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