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ITEA2 - 09013 International Workshop on Challenges in Methodology, Representation, and Tooling for Automotive Embedded Systems, Berlin 2012 AMALTHEA Tool.

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Presentation on theme: "ITEA2 - 09013 International Workshop on Challenges in Methodology, Representation, and Tooling for Automotive Embedded Systems, Berlin 2012 AMALTHEA Tool."— Presentation transcript:

1 ITEA2 - 09013 International Workshop on Challenges in Methodology, Representation, and Tooling for Automotive Embedded Systems, Berlin 2012 AMALTHEA Tool Platform Architecture Results and Plans Harald Mackamul Robert Bosch GmbH

2 ITEA2 - 09013 Overview –Multicore Challenges –Common System Description –Tool Chain Data Flow Elements (Tools) –Integration Technologies and Standards –Tools and Frameworks –Outlook Links to MAENAD, SAFE, TIMMO-2-USE Page 2

3 ITEA2 - 09013 MultiCore Challenges Page 3 Software Hardware Software Distribution ROM RAM Core local RAM Memory Mapping Store Load... Data X Data Y Data Z Data S X Z Y Y Memory

4 ITEA2 - 09013 Common System Description Page 4 Event Trace SW Description Hardware (ECU) Description Timing Contraints Mapping Contraints SW Mapping Target Mapping SW Simulation Hardware abstraction, e.g. number of cores, features of the cores, available memory, access times Software structure and behavior, e.g. tasks, components, interfaces, variables, call trees, etc. Constraints like end-to-end delay, latency, synchronization Constraints caused by performance, functional or safety reasons

5 ITEA2 - 09013 Data Flow in Tool Chain Page 5

6 ITEA2 - 09013 Tool Chain Elements Initial selection of tools –Application Lifecycle Management Yakindu CReMa, Eclipse ProR, Mylyn –Software/System Design & Implementation Yakindu Damos, Yakindu SCT, ETAS ASCET and ETAS AUTOSAR tooling, Matlab/Simulink –Simulation, Evaluation and Optimization Required Inputs TA Toolsuite –Analysis Timing Analysis, Visualization TA Toolsuite Page 6

7 ITEA2 - 09013 Integration Technologies and Standards Page 7 Tool Integrations –OSLC - Open Services for Lifecycle Collaboration –Modelbus Exchange Formats –MODELISAR –ReqIF Tracing Formats –OT1 –BTF t

8 ITEA2 - 09013 Tools and Frameworks Page 8

9 ITEA2 - 09013 Links to MAENAD, SAFE, TIMMO-2-USE MAENAD: –Handling of data models, e.g. Functional architecture in EAST-ADL (Design level) Software architecture in AUTOSAR (Implementation level) Hardware description Constraints (related to mapping, timing and safety) SAFE –todo TIMMO-2-USE –todo Page 9

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