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A Framework for Packe Trace Manipulation Christian Kreibich.

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Presentation on theme: "A Framework for Packe Trace Manipulation Christian Kreibich."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Framework for Packe Trace Manipulation Christian Kreibich

2 Motivation  Say you need to solve a problem that involves manipulating network traffic:  complex filtering (e.g. data analysis)  fine-grained editing (e.g. header field bitflips)  large-scale editing (e.g. anonymization)  visualization (e.g. behavioural analysis)  What do you do?

3 Motivation II  Try to find a tool that does it  where?  does it build?  maintained?  If so, lucky you!

4 Motivation II  Try to find a tool that does it  where?  does it build?  maintained?  If so, lucky you!  Mhmm... write your own... again.  Okay, pcap.  Now you typically need infrastructure:  data types  conn. state tracking  protocol header lookup  Lots of duplicated effort  Cut’n’paste sucks

5 Motivation III  Ewww.

6 Introducing...  Netdude — NETwork DUmp Data Editor  Framework for packet inspection and manipulation  Multiple usage paradigms: GUI + command line  Scalable to arbitrary trace sizes  Reusable at all levels  Extensible

7 Architecture





12 Experience  Fine-grained header field modifications:  M. Handley, C. Kreibich, V. Paxson: Network Intrusion Detection: Evasion, Traffic Normalization, end End-to-End Protocol Semantics, 9th USENIX Security Symposium, 2001.  Large-scale filtering and reassembly:  A. Moore, J. Hall, C. Kreibich, E. Harris, I. Pratt: Architecture of a Network Monitor, Passive and Active Measurement Workshop, 2003  Fine-grained payload editing:  C. Kreibich, J. Crowcroft: Honeycomb - Creating Intrusion Detection Signatures Using Honeypots, HotNets II, 2003

13 Future Work  hehe

14 Don’t get me wrong... I

15 Summary  System detects patterns in network traffic  Using honeypots, the system can create useful signatures  Good at worm detection  Todo list  Ability to control LCS algorithm (whitelisting?)  Tests with higher traffic volume  Experiment with approximate matching  Better signature reporting scheme

16 Thanks!  Shoutouts to all contributors!  Debian packagers needed...  Questions?

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