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Firefox Extension for NetInf Jeff Thompson ICNRG IETF-88 November 3, 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Firefox Extension for NetInf Jeff Thompson ICNRG IETF-88 November 3, 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Firefox Extension for NetInf Jeff Thompson ICNRG meeting @ IETF-88 November 3, 2013

2 The sites who say “ni !” November 3, 2013Firefox Extension for NetInf - Jeff Thompson2

3 Overview Introduction Apache support Firefox extension Demo: in NetInf Self-reference problem Conclusion/future work November 3, 2013Firefox Extension for NetInf - Jeff Thompson3

4 Introduction RFC 6920 “Naming Things with Hashes” RFC 6920 ni://authority/sha-256;hash  http://authority/.well-known/ni/sha-256/hash Use Apache RewiteMap on authority to redirect a hash URL to silently return the actual file Use a Firefox extension to redirect an ni: URI to fetch the http: well-known URL November 3, 2013Firefox Extension for NetInf - Jeff Thompson4

5 Apache support In the authority virtual host config: RewriteMap sha-256-map txt:/ /.well-known/ni/sha-256/sha-256-map.txt In.well-known/ni/sha-256/.htaccess : RewriteRule ^([^\.]+)$ ${sha-256-map:$1|/unrecognized-hash} [PT] In.well-known/ni/sha-256/sha-256-map.txt : To make sha-256-map.txt: python November 3, 2013Firefox Extension for NetInf - Jeff Thompson5

6 Firefox extension Tools > Add-ons > Install Add-on From File /tree/firefox/ni-protocol.xpi /tree/firefox/ni-protocol.xpi Handle newChannel for ni: protocol Get authority from the parent page URL Convert ni:///sha-256;hash  http://authority/.well-known/ni/sha-256/hash http://authority/.well-known/ni/sha-256/hash Use nsIHttpProtocolHandler newChannel(url) Silent HTTP transfer conveys the MIME type TODO: Check and report hash mismatch November 3, 2013Firefox Extension for NetInf - Jeff Thompson6

7 Demo: in NetInf ni://;QlpcCikO_8ENuJf0VXFTFhzqlbTdB6fzprIuJetUNb8 November 3, 2013Firefox Extension for NetInf - Jeff Thompson7

8 Self-reference problem NetInf In NetInf: ni:///sha-256;XYZ NetInf Cannot put hash XYZ in file referenced by XYZ Possible solutions – Use frames (not good for URL bar. not general) – Load entire web site HTML, show/hide sections – JavaScript: Load sha-256-map.txt and substitute hashes or put the map link in the URL query, dynamically pass it on: ni:///sha-256;XYZ?map=sha-256;ABC  November 3, 2013Firefox Extension for NetInf - Jeff Thompson8

9 Conclusion/future work Bootstrap ni web sites using HTTP server Actual web pages are fully “ni ready” Future work – Check and report hash mismatch – Tool support to convert existing web sites – Solutions to self-reference problem Firefox Extension for NetInf - Jeff Thompson9November 3, 2013

10 ni ! November 3, 2013Firefox Extension for NetInf - Jeff Thompson10

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