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Back Pain. Spinal Abnormalities u Spinals abnormalities are either functional (muscle) or structural (bone) in nature. –Functional low back pain benefits.

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Presentation on theme: "Back Pain. Spinal Abnormalities u Spinals abnormalities are either functional (muscle) or structural (bone) in nature. –Functional low back pain benefits."— Presentation transcript:

1 Back Pain

2 Spinal Abnormalities u Spinals abnormalities are either functional (muscle) or structural (bone) in nature. –Functional low back pain benefits from regular physical activity such as flexibility and strengthening exercises.

3 Spinal Abnormalities u If functional spinal abnormalities are not corrected, they may develop into structural abnormalities.

4 Spinal Abnormalities The three major spinal abnormalities are: u 1. Kyphosis - a curvature of the upper spine. u 2. Lordosis - a curvature in the lower back region. u 3. Scoliosis - a lateral curvature in the thoracic region.

5 Low Back Pain u Lordosis is a precursor of low back pain. u Lordosis usually results from weak abdominals and inflexible hip flexor muscles.

6 Low Back Pain u The lower part of the back normally has a slight inward curve. Lumbar Region

7 Low Back Pain u If the lower back curve is too great, the muscles of the low back are more easily fatigued, more likely to suffer muscle spasms, and more prone to injury.

8 Low Back Pain u Low back pain frequently causes activity restriction for middle-aged and older adults, disabling 3 to 4 million people each year.


10 Low Back Pain u Poor muscular fitness causes approximately 80% of all low back problems.

11 Low Back Pain u It is the most frequent cause of inactivity in individuals under the age of 45. u It most often affects people between the ages of 25 and 60. u Estimates indicate that 26% of teenagers even have backaches. –Corbin

12 Low Back Pain u Low back pain can be caused by a number of specific causes, but in most cases no definite etiological factors can be identified.

13 Low Back Pain u In a great majority of the cases, the condition is self-limiting because approximately 80-90% of the sufferers recover from an acute attack within 3 days to 6 weeks regardless of the treatment.

14 Low Back Pain u Approximately 70% of those who have once experienced an episode have recurrent pains, and in 1-5% of the sufferers the condition becomes chronic.

15 Low Back Pain u A combination of stretching and strengthening exercises is often recommended to correct this problem.

16 Low Back Pain u Many people can achieve proper support and alignment of the pelvis and spinal column by using ROM exercises to prevent overtightness of the hip flexors, hamstrings, and low back extensors, and by doing strengthening exercises for the abdominal and low back muscles.

17 Back u The following exercises are recommended for low back care: u See appendix F.1 and F.3 in Heyward.



20 Low Back Pain u Low back pain is usually related to mechanical loading and hence the term mechanical low back pain is used. t Vuori, I. (1995).

21 Low Back Pain u It is presumed that most pain with a mechanical cause arises from excessive physical stress on normal spinal structures or when normal forces act on abnormal structures. t Frank, A. (1993).

22 Low Back Pain u The origin and mechanism of the pain, however, is not known with certainty. t Vuori, I. (1995).

23 Low Back Pain u One hypothesis is that disturbances of muscle function, occurring first as an acute symptom and then becoming chronic and spreading to involve a greater volume of musculature, can be an important mechanism. t Johnson, H., & P. Sojka. (1991).

24 Low Back Pain u When lifting improperly, there is great pressure on the lumbar disks and severe stress on the lumbar muscles and ligaments.

25 Low Back Pain Risk Factors and Characteristics of Back Pain u Overfatness u Frequent bending over u Frequent lifting of heavy loads. u Regular exposure to vibration. u Lack of lumbar flexibility.

26 Low Back Pain Risk Factors and Characteristics of Back Pain u Weak trunk extensor muscles. u Trunk muscle imbalance. u Previous back problems. u Participation in gymnastics, javelin throwing, diving, weight lifting, skiing, football, rowing, and swimming butterfly.

27 Low Back Pain Risk Factors and Characteristics of Back Pain u Repetitive and large range or rapid acceleration or deceleration of spine. u Increased age. u Osteoporosis.

28 Healthy Back Practices Lifting u Use the buttocks and leg muscles, instead of the low back muscles, when lifting heavy objects.

29 Healthy Back Practices Sleeping u Sleep on your side with the knees flexed and avoid sleeping on your back or stomach.

30 Healthy Back Practices Sitting u Sit with your legs crossed or use a foot rest to keep one or both knees above your hips. u While driving, keep the knees flexed and support the middle of the lower back.

31 Healthy Back Practices Standing u Stand with one foot on a stool when working at a counter for long periods of time. u Avoid all activities that require hyperextension of the lower back.

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